
First male participant graduates from Women's Ministries Leadership Certification

Austrian pastor finishes Levels 1-3 of leadership training alongside his wife.

Inter-European Division (EUD)

[Austria] On November 18, 2017, Csaba Török was presented the Andrews University Continuing Education Certificate for completing three levels of the Women’s Ministries Leadership Certification program by Gerd-Laila Walter, Women’s Ministries director for Austria.

Csaba Török is a pastor in Vienna, and when his wife Judit expressed her desire to attend the seminars he decided to accompany her as a full participant of the program. Csaba says that he knew practically nothing about Women’s Ministries before attending the seminars.

Although the program is geared to train women in leadership, Csaba blended in well with the group and was accepted and appreciated as the gentleman of the seminars.

He always expressed his great appreciation for all that women do in the church and in mission outreach. He also said that it would be good for all pastors to find out more about Women’s Ministries and what women learn in these training sessions.

Congratulations to the first male graduate of the Women’s Leadership training!

Source: News report by Women's Ministries of the Inter-European Division

Published in Mosaic newsletter, Spring 2018