Euro-Asia Division Women's Ministries holds division departmental advisory
WM union directors report that the resources, warm atmosphere, and inspiring ideas gained from each other are the best part of WM planning meetings.
Euro-Asia Division (ESD)
[Russian Federation] The Euro-Asia Division Women’s Ministries (ESD WM) departmental advisory held at the headquarters office in Moscow, June 19-21, 2018, was organized by Raisa Ostrovskaya, director for ESD WM, and was joined by Raquel Arrais, associate director for General Conference Women's Ministries (GC WM).
Women’s Ministries directors of the nine unions/unions of churches gathered for this meeting held once every five years. They share their impressions of the advisory meeting below.
My impression about the meeting:
I liked this kind emotional atmosphere very much. There was a wide range of seminars for leaders, about health, on emotions, and about self-esteem. Very interesting prayer reflections. Very much appreciated hearing the experiences of ministry in different unions. Information sharing. My impression is wonderful!
My impression about the meeting:
These meetings aroused the desire to put into practice what I heard in sister’s reports. Relaxed, warm atmosphere, everyone kind and responsive. The meeting hall beautifully decorated by Raisa Ostrovskaya. Interesting prayer service by Alla Aleksyenko. The meeting inspires me very much to begin a new work, new vision, and new plans. We were given many interesting materials. Thank you for the ministry.
My impression about the meeting:
The meeting is great! Emotions to the fault! Pleasant fellowship with friends! Spiritual mentoring – strengthening of my faith and comfort. The reports bring the sense of gratitude to God. Sisters love serving each other and the Heavenly Father. These are new ideas. Seminars give us the possibilities for the growth and development. Prayer ministry provides us the possibility to have a look at ourselves from a new angle, to see the potential, and to raise praise to the Lord! Thank you so much for this meeting. Your care and attention, love and ministry for us are huge blessings! It is warm on the soul, light and joy. Praise the Lord!
My impression about the meeting:
Thanks so much to God for this meeting. Due to these meetings, I understand what responsible work the Lord entrusted to each one of us and how much we want to inspire and encourage each woman, to give them hope, and the most important, to show the way to this hope. In order to achieve the pointed goal, we need to take exact steps, and I am very glad that together with you we can accomplish these steps. Every similar meeting enriches and helps us understand our roles in life.
My impression about the meeting:
I liked the seminars very much. Each sister prepared something special and unique. I am filled again. Thank you! There is the desire to move forward again and share received knowledge with others. I liked Oksana’s workshop very much. Elena Medvidi and Lupita also presented very interesting seminars. It was pleasant to see among us, Alla Alekseenko, Shepherdess Ministries Leader. Her part was a pleasant and useful prayer time. Thank you very much for care and attention to each of us. Thank you for tea time, biscuits and nuts.
My impression about the meeting:
It was very pleasant to be at this meeting. I liked everything very much. Good, needed, actual materials. Prayer ministry was well organized. There are only positive impressions from this meeting. May the Lord bless you in your ministry!
My impression about the meeting:
I was very inspired by reports as I got new ideas and material. Thanks for sharing! Thanks to Raquel for the topics. Some new ideas came to my mind. She is always an inspiration! Thank you, Raisa, for making us feel welcomed like home. You are always warm, kind, and attentive. I really enjoy it! The seminars were GREAT! Thank you very much!
Contributed by Raisa Ostrovskaya, Women's Ministries director for Euro-Asia Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, Summer 2018