Girls4Christ Zoom in Baden-Wuerttemberg

Paul under house arrest and Onesimus suffering restricted freedom suddenly become a familiar image to girls in coronavirus quarantine.

Inter-European Division (EUD)

[Germany] On Sunday, January 24, 2021, the first Girls4Christ meeting of the new year took place in Baden-Wuerttemberg—of course, due to Corona, only via Zoom. This time the motto was "Inwardly Free."

As daughters of the Most High, we are called to real, genuine freedom. In the Bible study about the runaway slave Onesimus found in the book of Philemon, we realized that we can feel and experience this freedom even when we are not permitted to leave the house. Onesimus found out that the Apostle Paul, who was locked up day and night in his house and under guard was free, although he was in bondage in the eyes of others. The girls in the meeting were amazed, because they recognized themselves in his situation thanks to the coronavirus. Most of them could tell a thing or two about quarantine experiences and the awareness that they could no longer act in the same freedom as they had "before Corona.” They really felt close to Paul and Onesimus here!

How good, in spite of everything, to know: As Christians, even when we can no longer feel and experience as much freedom as we did a year ago due to Corona, we can discover true freedom in Christ. "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36NIV)—this was the lead verse for the whole topic. In a group discussion afterward, we talked about the very personal fetters that sometimes block our mind and body and with which we make life difficult for ourselves.

But the meeting was not only serious. There was also a lot of playing and laughing. For example, one special highlight was a quiz, in which biblical stories and people were "told" with emoji pictures. Afterwards, there was a small virtual hand-lettering course, in which various Bible verses around the theme of "freedom" could be reproduced. Many sweet works of art were created which the girls held up to the camera at the end.

What we hope with all our hearts is that with today's topic we were able to place a precious treasure in the hearts of the girls and young women that will accompany them for a long time to come - on a path as liberated Christians who also call others into the freedom that Jesus alone can give.

Contributed by J. Stanoschefsky, Baden-Württemberg Conference, Germany
Photo: WM Germany

Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2021 Q2, spring issue
Photo: | Maxim Hopman | Apple AirBook laptop