Women Following Jesus speak to us today through dramatized words at the Tübingen, Germany Adventist church


International Women's Day of Prayer in Tübingen, Germany

Women in character as Biblical women share their stories in "Women Following Jesus" program.

Inter-European Division (EUD)

[Germany] On March 2, 2019, the women of the Tübingen Seventh-day Adventist church invited all their church members to join them in a journey to Israel at the time of Jesus. The topic “Women Following Jesus” was presented in a dramatized way by several women who portrayed women of the Bible.

The Samaritan woman who had met Jesus as the well came to call the citizens of Sychar to see Jesus for themselves. Mary of Bethany told about her friend Jesus, who let her sit at his feet, listening to his teachings. The women of Galilee talked about following Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem, where they watched him die. Mary, mother of Jesus, talked about all the things she had hidden in her heart ever since the angel Gabriel appeared to her with a mind-blowing message. Mary of Magdala was portrayed as the woman who was determined to find Jesus’ body but who found a risen Savior instead and to whom Jesus gave the mission of proclaiming His resurrection.

Both men and women are called to follow Jesus. Sometimes women feel that their part is just to assist men who minister. But the words of Psalm 68:11, “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng,” shows from the Bible that God has a mission and ministry for women to take up!

Reported by Hannele Ottschofski

Photos by W. Nixdorf

Reported in Mosaic newsletter, 2019, Q2, Summer issue