Women wave the flag of Ghana while wearing flag-colored scarves during one enditnow event in Kumasi, Ghana


Women engage in enditnow activities in Ghana during Women's Ministries division congress

Citizens of Kumasi become aware of enditnow through Adventist women visiting shops and homes and distributing literature.

West-Central Africa Division (WAD)

[Ghana] One day was devoted to carrying out volunteer community service during the quinquennial Women's Ministries division congress of West-Central Africa Division attended by more than four thousand women.

On Wednesday, women representing the twenty-two countries of West Africa chose one of two types of volunteer community service in which to participate in Kumasi, Ghana.

Thirty-six groups campaigned for enditnow awareness, visiting homes and shops to share the message that Seventh-day Adventists Say No to Violence, particularly the domestic abuse of women and girls.

Another seventeen groups visited orphanages, hospital, prisons, rehabilitation centers. They delivered food, books, Bibles, and sewing machines with the value of 200,000 Ghana cedes (about $37,000 USD).

“We have never experienced this kind of massive community service before," said Vida Linda Gyasi, the Women Ministries director in the hosting territory of Northern Ghana Union Mission. To convey the volunteers to their assigned locations, she contracted with fifty-four coach-sized buses.

The congress was held July 29 to August 3, 2019 in the stadium at the Kwame Nkrumah University in Kumasi, Ghana. Omobonike Adeola Sessou, director of Women's Ministries for the West-Central Africa Division, located in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, was host and organizer of the event.

Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2019 Q3