Adventists increase awareness of abuse in Hong Kong
Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)
[Hong Kong] On August 20, 2016, more than 250 women from eight area churches gathered at the Hillwood Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hong Kong to increase awareness, responsibility, and involvement to help end violence against women and girls. This program coincided with the General Conference’s (GC) worldwide enditnow* emphasis against violence.
The event was organized by Serene Yau, Women’s Ministries director of Hong Kong Mission Conference (HKMC). Dr. Lisa Clouzet, Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Women’s Ministries director, was the guest speaker, and focused on “Learning to Love as HE Loved,” one of enditnow’s themes.
The program included music provided by different area churches, a poignant skit by women from Yuen Long and Mountain Churches, and a question-and-answer session with Dr. Clouzet. Lily Wu, Chinese Union Mission (CHUM) Women’s Ministries director, closed the day with a season of prayer involving all those in attendance. Joyce Sham, CHUM’s Women’s Ministries associate director, was also present to add support and provide translation.
Serene Yau received several comments and testimonies from women who were in attendance. Descriptions of the program included “very educational,” “exceptionally informative,” “spiritually uplifting,” and “a blessing to my spiritual life.” One woman summarized that “we were given helpful advice and counseled to draw ever nearer to God.”
Many appreciated the question-and-answer session and found it useful to hear others’ experiences and questions regarding abusive situations. The suggestions, advice, and solutions offered to these questions provided hope and encouragement regarding a subject that can be very traumatic and overwhelming.
Written by Lisa Clouzet and Serene Yau
*Seventh-day Adventists around the world have been saying No to violence against women and girls for many years. The enditnow campaign is an extension of God’s love and compassion for all His children. More information is available at www.enditnow.org.
Published in Mosaic, 2017 Q1