I Will Go Reach My World in 2021
Looking Ahead with Hope
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Many opportunities occurred in 2020 that encouraged women to “Touch a Heart and Reach My World” even during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Women directly ministered to many women using all digital platforms providing women’s retreats, evangelistic meeting series, prayer groups, leadership training, women’s congresses, and many other initiatives that resulted in reaching thousands of women at home. We also had the opportunity to travel to many countries by Zoom encouraging women to find a ministry they can do to contribute to the mission of the church. Despite all the difficulties, what a great year God gave us!
As we look back at 2020 and all God did, we look forward to 2021 with great anticipation for what God will do through us. All of us can say yes, "I Will Go Reach My World,” with love and compassion.

10 ways to know the plans God has for me.
In her book, Taking Your Spiritual Pulse, Claire Musters gives us ten ways[1] to improve our spiritual life. These basic principles on spiritual growth certainly will help us minister to other women more effectively.
- Have a Regular Devotional Time: The discipline to spend time with God is essential because it is then, when you are concentrating on Him. It is then that your faith can grow. During such times He can also reveal what He wants to change in you to make you more like Jesus.
- Attend Church: As a Christian you need the support and encouragement of others in order to maintain the impetus to work on your spiritual walking.
- Get Rid of Distraction and Temptations: A distraction is anything that takes your focus away from God. It is important to learn to switch off distractions to concentrate on God.
- Join a Small Group: Everyone needs interaction with other people. Without Christian fellowship your spiritual life will simply become dry.
- Confess Your Sins: Allowing sin to remain unconfessed will make running your spiritual race much more difficult. Daily repentance is a good way to keep yourself humble before God.
- Be Wise with Your Money: Put God first. Take a look in your priorities. It demonstrates that everything you have belongs to God.
- Learn to Forgive: Forgiving others as God has forgiven you can sometimes be incredibly difficult. However, it is crucial if you want to grow as a Christian.
- Serve Others: Jesus came to earth to serve others rather than to be served. This is an important principle. Serving may involve being there for someone by listening to them, offering them a simple encouraging word, or touching them in some practical way. It is about opening your eyes to see their needs, and then outing them first, before yourself.
- Cultivate “Joy” as a Lifestyle: God is the source of all Joy. There may be times when it feels as though circumstances are conspiring against you, but God may allow this to happen in order to teach you to be totally dependent on Him. God is to be your source and sustainer.
- Be Accountable: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

May God use each one of us mightily this coming year and may our ministry make a difference in the lives of thousands of women around the world. Thank you for partnering with us to make Women’s Ministries happen. May all our efforts in 2021 bring glory to God.
By Raquel Arrais, associate director for General Conference Women's Ministries
[1] Claire Musters, “10 Ways to Improve Your Spiritual Life,” Taking Your Spiritual Pulse: Reaching the Peak of Your Spiritual Fitness (Chattanooga, TN: Living Ink Books, 2003) 25.