"Spiritual Health" is Women's Ministries 2021 certification program in Inter-American Division
Based on the Ellen G. White book, Mind, Character, and Personality, training focuses on building characters fit for heaven.
Inter-American Division (IAD)
[Inter-America] Another certification training took place in Inter-America, online for one and a half hours every Sunday for nine weeks between February and June. It's all about pursuing physical, mental, and spiritual health that can transcend each woman's life personally, in leadership and in mission. Before the pandemic an average of 15,000 participated in the annual certification program. More than 80,000 took part in the certification during the pandemic in 2020.
"You have probably heard, 'The only thing we will take to heaven is our character,'" quotes Dinorah Rivera, women's ministries director for the church in Inter-American Division. "Nowadays we are more into building our careers, our resumes with all the accomplishments, our families, even our houses, rather than building for eternity."
The curriculum for 2021 is "Spiritual Health." Training is based on a book written by Ellen G. White. With the careful study of Mind, Character, Personality, Rivera says, "we will submerge ourselves into learning how to acquire a character that will take us to heaven. We can build a character that will stay with us throughout eternity."
“As so many women are still facing the challenges of the pandemic, it is important for us to focus on strengthening their spiritual health so that they can continue to minister in their homes, and in their communities,” Rivera continues. "As Christian women, we need to remember that the foundation of our faith must come from a wholistic spiritual health perspective.”
"We need you, Lord," prays Rivera for every woman enrolled in her training certification, "as we continue to renew our minds in you and to look for your face. Help us to be healthy, not only physically, but spiritually, because that will matter forever."
The first video for the 2021 online certification, "Spiritual Health," premiered Sunday, February 21, 2021, for nine weeks of programming on Sunday mornings for about one and a half hours. To obtain the certification, viewers must take a quiz for each lesson that is available from local and regional women's ministries directors or on the Inter-American Division Women's Ministries webpage. The online program was streamed in English, Spanish, and French.
First video in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpPdNZ_R1GA&t=...
First video in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VXDeP5mx9U&t=...
More about IAD WM certification: https://www.interamerica.org/project/certificacion...
Mind, Character, Personality (Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association, 1977) is a two-volume compilation book from the writings of Ellen G. White and available for purchase at Adventist Book Centers and online here.
Contributed by Dinorah Rivera, Women's Ministries director for Inter-American Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2021 Q2, spring issue
Photo: Unsplash.com
"A Ministry of Kindness," Women's Ministries 2020 certification program in Inter-America, trained women for many forms of ministry
The Inter-American Division 2020 online certification, "A Ministry of Kindness," is based on another compilation book from the writings of Ellen G. White, Welfare Ministry (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1952). In the summer of 2020 (during COVID-19 restrictions), more than 40,000 men and women enrolled in the program. The same seminars were transmitted by radio reaching even more participants.
LEARN MORE,Mosaic 2020 news story about "A Ministry of Kindness" training certification.
Inter-America is reaping the results of those seminars. Women throughout the territory have been putting their own style of "A Ministry of Kindness" into action. Many people have been introduced to Jesus Christ, making decisions to accept His gift of salvation and be baptized.
LEARN MORE, Mosaic 2021 news stories about the resulting programs from "A Ministry of Kindness" training: