March 1, 2025

Reach Out

The International Women's Day of Prayer for 2025 resource packet Reach Out is written by Charissa Torossian, pastor's wife and mother who preaches powerfully. The packet includes her sermon "Reach Out," a deeper look at a biblical woman who reached out to Jesus in faith. She also wrote a workshop, "Discovering the Joy of Being His Daughter"; a children's story, "Wonderfully Made Giraffes"; and supplemental prayer activities.

ENGLISH: Packet Word | Packet PDF | Sermon PPTX | Workshop PPTX | Children's story Giraffes PPTX | Supplemental Material Word

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Discovering the Joy of Being His Daughter

First Sabbath of March

International Women's Day of Prayer

Since 1990, the Department of Women's Ministries at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has promoted a special day when women have the opportunity to strengthen their spiritual bonds as they pray for and with each other. The International Women's Day of Prayer is the first Sabbath of each March.

In past years this special day has been celebrated in a variety of ways: prayer breakfasts, fasting and prayer, consecration services, women preaching the sermons for church services and other special programs. A resource manual, with ideas and a planning guide for making this a life-changing day for women and men in the church, can be obtained from the conference Women's Ministries director.

The International Woman's Day of Prayer provides an opportunity for women to learn about each other and prayer for one another. It is a time to reunite with God and one another to strengthen spiritual bonds. Prayers for women everywhere create a spiritual network of empathy and understanding between Adventist women. Thousands of women (and men) gather to pray on this day. Although the essential purpose of the day is for prayer, the day can also provide women with an opportunity to strengthen their ties with other Christian women as they pray together.

Where possible some may want to expand the day of prayer to include a weekend prayer conference where participants can come to gain a deeper understanding of the need for prayer, and prayer's significance, blessings, and meaning in their lives. Weekend prayer conferences can address topics of interest such as: the prayer of scripture, how to pray scriptural promises, how fasting can enhance our prayer life, God's will and prayer, intercessory prayer, answered and unanswered prayer, closet prayers, and how to help our children develop a prayer life of their own.

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"At the sound of fervent prayer, Satan's whole host trembles."

Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, 346