
WM Mental Health Training Becomes an Outreach Activity

Israel Field (IF)

[Tel Aviv] The faces of the participants of Thinking Well, Living Well, a series of ten mental health seminars, show happiness and satisfaction with this Women’s Ministries resource. Three participants are studying the Bible with the local elders and two are candidates for baptism.

Seminar presenter, Milagros Mendez, reports that an air of anticipation and hope was felt in every meeting. As each topic was discussed, experiences shared, talked about and prayed upon, the veil of doubts, uncertainties, bitterness and hurt slowly opened up into acceptance and forgiveness.

One participant who had suffered from depression testified of her gratefulness because the seminar was instrumental in beginning the process of overcoming depression. An non-church member attending from the community talked about her loneliness caused by being away from her family and how the seminar had given her strength to trust and depend on God more. These and many more bore witness of what the seminar had done in their lives.

Nina Usacheva, Israel Field Women’s Ministry director, graced the culmination night of the series with her presence and inspiring thoughts.

The ten Friday evening seminars held at Tel Aviv Seventh-day Adventist Church ended September 9, 2016, with attendance averaging 45-50 people. The Women’s Ministries and Health Ministries leaders of the church, Armenita Consuegra and Lyza Embudo respectively, organized the event.

Reported by Milagros Mendez

Published in Mosaic, 2017 Q1