My Bible Journal
Printable journaling activities for your daily experience
Choose from three styles of graphics to print as often as needed
This blessing tool is simple and easy to use. Nurture your spiritual growth and download the printable pages of this Bible journal and use its tools to dig deeper into the Word of God. Let's look at the sections on each page.
SCRIPTURE. Write out the day's Bible text. The transference of the brain's electrical impulses to the hand as it writes the words increases one's ability to memorize.
CONNECTIONS. The Bible repeats important themes. For example, if you are reading Philippians 4:6 (do not be anxious about anything), look for other texts about handling anxiety (or a similar thought), such as 1 Peter 5:7 (cast all your cares upon Him). Begin a list of connected texts.
WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT ME. List what Scripture says about you, such as, what you should do, and what you should avoid.
PRAY FOR CHANGE. Take time to pray and as you do, pray the words of a Scripture promise. Also, make a list of scriptural counsel to guide your prayers when asking to come into alignment with God's will, such as, Hebrews 4:12 (to know what's really in your heart), Psalm 119:18, 68 (to understand God's will and to learn His law), and Psalm 27:14 (to wait patiently for God to act).
MY DECISION TODAY. Write what you want today for yourself and leave it in God's hands. He will be the Lamp for your feet when you trust His leading.
Reprint the journaling pages as often as you need additional space in your journal. Use one style or all three!
download, Bible Journal style 1 COLLAGE style artwork jewel tones |
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download, Bible Journal style 2 COLORED PENCIL style artwork bright flowers |
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download, Bible Journal style 3 WATERCOLOR style artwork antique rose |
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Bible Journaling Guide
For when you are ready to try adding artwork in your Bible
Courtesy of Christian Book Distributors at, this PDF guide is packed with tips. You will find a discussion of Journaling Bibles, needed tools, pens, getting started, hand lettering, reference guide to script letters and tips for practice with space to do so, four samples of hand lettered Bible verses to trace, how to draw a wreath, how to draw flowers, and additional practice pages.
Download CBD's free, 24-page PDF file, Bible Journaling Guide