Teenage girls enjoy seminars and an outing in Malaysia |
Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD)
[Malyasia] Teen girls came together in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2-3, 2014 for a Women's Ministries program called 1319G (girls aged 13-19). In addition to nurturing the girls' spiritual experience, leaders also taught them to access the digital world with seminars about Safely Using the Web, Facebook, and Apps; and for designing art work with MicroSoft Word to create a poster or flyer. The Mission office assigned computers to the teenagers who later visited the National Palace Royal Museum.
Sewing projects displayed at Women's Center in Tanzania |
East-Central Africa Division (ECD)
[Tanzania] The Adventist Women’s Vocational Training Center in Nyanza, Tanzania is dedicated to the memory of our sisters who died eight years ago in a train accident while traveling home from ECD Women's Ministries Division Congress in 2007. Tanzania Union Women’s Ministries teaches classes in sewing, computer skills, English, and many other subjects at the center.
Small (center) in Tanzania with graduates of Thinking Well, Living Well mental health certification |
Heather-Dawn Small, GC Women's Ministries director, visited the center while attending ECD's Mission Extravangansa Celebration and presenting Women's Ministries training and certification seminars from Thinking Well, Living Well.
Women in Latvia pray for Syrian women while making paper houses to represent homes in Syria |
Trans-European Division (TED)
[Latvia] About 75 women from Latvia and Estonia gathered in Riga, Latvia for Leadership Certification Level 1 seminars conducted by Clair Sanches, TED Women's Ministries director, and Marite Lipska, Latvian Conference Women's Ministries director.
Evangelism certification empowers 7,000 women for outreach in Panama and Nicarauga |
Inter-American Division (IAD)
[Panama and Nicarauga] Last year 7,000 women earned certification in evangelism with Women's Ministries Evangelism Manual, Outreach is for Everyone in training conducted by Women's Ministries of South Central American Union Conference.
These eager students implemented evangelism theory at the end of their training by holding evangelistic meetings throughout Panama and Nicaruaga, November 3-8, 2014.
As a result of women's outreach, thousands gave their lives to Christ, including 1,358 baptisms in Managua, Nicarauga and 1,900 in Panama City.