Focus On The News

Touch a Heart, Tell the World: Community Involvement

Women’s Ministries Trees

Southern Asia-Pacific Division, Indonesia: A Women’s Ministries tree initiative mobilized more than 300 women from Papua, Indonesia, to plant 1000 trees at the Freeport International Corporation natural reserve in Timika City; by this initiative, the women contributed to the environment development and with the privilege to make the difference.

Adventists March in Campaign Against Domestic Violence

Inter-American Division, Puerto Rico: Hundreds of Seventh-day Adventist women carried a 600-foot-long banner through the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico. A visual representation of the church’s campaign against domestic violence in Puerto Rico, the banner was covered in 7,500 handprints collected from fellow islanders in a show of support.


Sewing Skills Training Start-up

Southern-Asia Pacific Division, Bangladesh: Women make up a large percentage of the world’s poor, and learning a vocational skill can be the ticket for her to get out of poverty. In Bangladesh, Women’s Ministries has started a sewing machine program helping the women to have an extra income and giving them hope for the future.

Dorcas and Women’s Ministries Join Hands

Inter-American Division, Colombia: “Women, the Victory in Your Hands” is the theme for the integrated program between Dorcas and Women’s Ministries in the Colombia Union. The women are working together under the same umbrella to reach the same goal: to bring more women to Christ. The women know that the more they are united the more they grow. This integration is resulting in a great blessing. In the church, the women are being equipped to be able to serve the church more effectively.

Abuse Prevention Day

South American Division, West Central Brazil Union Mission: A public program in the Brasilia City Park mobilized the community and called attention to a problem that affects thousands of children throughout the country. Three support tents were set up to accomplish the project.

Caring for HIV/AIDS Women

Southern Asia Division, India: The HIV virus is spreading rapidly in India. Women have been receiving training on how to use the Women’s Ministries HIV/AIDS flip chart to educate for prevention and care. The leaders are ready to use the information in their villages to provide awareness and education to women and their families.

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