WAD Women's Ministries Congress Brings 4,000 Women to Nigeria
Touch a Heart, Tell the World
WAD Women's Ministries Congress
Brings 4,000 Women to Nigeria
The West Central Africa Division held its second Women's Ministries Congress at Babcock University, Nigeria, August 2-9, 2009. The theme was "Touch a Heart, Tell the World." More than 3,000 women from 26 African nations participated in this congress.
All six Unions of the Division were represented. Women came from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Niger and Togo.
Two days of spectacular displays marked the opening ceremonies as the women marched with enthusiasm behind 26 different flags. The First Lady of Nigeria, Mrs. Yar Adua was represented by the First Lady of Ogun State, Mrs. Olunfunke Daniel; the Hon. Minister for Women's Affairs, Mrs. Suleiman was represented by Mrs. Olusola-Dada. Also in attendance was the First Lady of Plateau State, Mrs. Talatu Jang.
At the closing Sabbath services, Heather-Dawn Small, the General Conference Women's Ministries director, preached about heaven and the awaiting joys. It was a special moment when the women recommitted themselves to serve God during this important time.
The congress was a time for fellowship, prayer, praise, and growth. The women left the congress singing and praising God for the many blessings they received during the six days of the congress.
"God brought us here by His call, and we are leaving this place empowered to follow the call," said Priscille Metonou, Women's Ministries director for WAD..
Focus on the News
2010 Women's Devotional Book
Sanctuary: a place to run when life gets to be too much. The Bible book of Hebrews tells us that there is a sanctuary in heaven. And when God told the Israelites to build an earthly sanctuary so that He could dwell among them, it was patterned on the heavenly sanctuary. In it the plan of salvation was played out every day.
In the pages of this book, women have bared their souls. They have revealed how they try every day to follow the pattern that God has given for their lives. They share how God has shown His presence in their homes, their families, and their lives. Things have not always gone perfectly for these women, but each has found sanctuary in the arms and love of her mighty God, the God who is also her Savior.
-Ardis Stenbakken, Editor
Slip away from the chaos and commotion that threatens every waking moment.
Seek a quiet place, a place where you can abandon your burdens and sense God's presence.
Stay awhile and allow your soul to be renewed by the tranquil beauty of His love and mercy.
Order your copy today at the Adventist Book Center
1-800-765-6955 or www.adventistbookcenter.com
Lebanese Women Have a Heart for Christ
Trans-European Division
Seventh-day Adventist members in the East Mediterranean Region fellowshipped together in a Women's and Family Ministries weekend with the theme "A Heart for Christ." The weekend retreat included seminars, souvenirs, activities such as prayer walking, and a time for sharing testimonies. They met at the Evangelical Centre in Dhour Choueir, Lebanon.
The retreat provided an atmosphere for women to develop their gifts and abilities, and to form lasting friendships.
Source: MEU News
Zimbabwe Women Present Hospital Equipment
Southern Africa Indian-Ocean Division
The Women's Ministries Department of Zimbabwe Union Conference presented beds to a private hospital in the Bulawayo community in June 2009. These beds were donated to them by Botswana Union Mission Women's Ministries, directed by Susan Williams. The hospital is not operated by the Adventist Church.
On receiving the donation the hospital administrator wrote, "The Zimbabwe Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and especially the Women's Ministries, are carrying out tremendous work throughout the world; and on behalf of all women I salute you. Keep up the work."
Source: SID WM
Women's Ministries Evangelism in Malaysia
Southern Asia-Pacific Division
Evangelistic meetings were conducted by the Women's Ministries Department of the Peninsular Malaysia Mission at the Penang Seventh-day Adventist Church July 21-27, 2009. Guest speakers included Heather-Dawn Small, GCWM director, and Helen Gulfan, SSD WM director.
Over 280 participants, including 88 non-Seventh-day Adventists, attended. During an altar call, 12 people requested baptiism. "God answers prayers!" says Leong Fai, Peninsular Malaysia Mission WM director and coordinator for these meetings.
Source: SSD WM
Inspiration for You
Grow, Rise, and Shine
Through Small Group Ministry
"The blessing of the Lord will come to the church members who thus participate in the work, gathering in small groups daily to pray for its success. Thus the believers will obtain grace for themselves, and the work of the Lord will be advanced." --Ellen White, Evangelism, p. 111
Reaching Out Through Small Groups
A small group is a common component of growth in Women's Ministries because of the capacity to experience community-something we as women were created for and need. Small groups are also an effective tool for inviting and integrating women, helping them experience the blessing of worship in a unique way.
What Defines a Small Group?
A small group is 5-10 people coming together for a common purpose. Some groups meet weekly, others biweekly, to study the scriptures, share in fellowship, support each other, and serve in ministry together.
Types of Small Groups You Can Use in Your Ministry
- Bible Study groups
- Outreach Small Groups
- Support groups
- Nurture groups
- Prayer groups
- Discussion groups
- Groups for newlyweds
Small Group Bible Study
One of the most successful types of Bible study is the small group study, for several reasons:
- People are often less intimidated in small groups and more willing to share.
- Small groups can meet in convenient, close-to-home locations.
- The group can provide a feeling of caring and nurture.
- People have an opportunity to study at their own pace.
- The small group creates a natural group for continued discipling.
When planning for small group study, it is essential to include five components:
- Sharing: getting acquainted
- Bible study: learning about God's Word
- Prayer: asking for God's assistance
- Social time: providing a time for sharing
- Service: doing something for someone else
Before you invite people to a small group Bible study, begin praying that God will attract the group members He wants and that He will enable you to lead and encourage the group.
Among the goals of a small group Bible study would be to create an atmosphere of love and acceptance which stimulates discoveries and freedom to speak about the Bible without fear of embarrassment or criticism. This will foster positive Christian fellowship.
From the Heart
"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. " -Mother Teresa
"Good works are links that form a chain of love." -Mother Teresa
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."-Mother Teresa
"Every son and daughter of God is called to be a missionary; we are called to the service of God
and our fellow men" Ellen White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 395
Time to Act
Time to ACT

October 17: International Day for Eradication of Poverty
THIS DAY presents an opportunity to acknowledge the effort and struggle of people living in poverty, a chance to make their concerns heard, and a moment to recognize that poor people are the first ones to fight against poverty.
WHAT CAN WE DO? Before beginning any community service activity or ministry, do a survey in the community to assess the needs. Use the information gained from the survey to help you and your team choose which ministries or projects you will establish first.
Ministry ideas
- Small business development
- Money management seminar
- Debt counseling
- Food baskets for needy families
- Family Hygiene Packs with personal hygiene products
- Meals for a homeless shelter
- School supplies for needy children
- Blankets in winter time
- Retirement planning seminar
- Community vegetable garden
- Community classes: adult literacy, hygiene, and basic sanitation
- Widow support groups
- Offer medical/spiritual assistance in partnership with Health Ministries department
- Develop and implement anti-poverty projects in partnership with other departments in the church and community
- Enable women in your church and community to meet the needs of those living in poverty
- Provide information on how to access low-cost legal services, including literacy programs, health care assistance, and educational service especially designed to reach women living in poverty
Source: WM Six issues Brochure
Prayer Corner
General Conference Annual Council
Women struggling with poverty
Women who are ministering to the poor
Government decisions that affect women globally
October 1: Devotional Book Deadline
October 17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 31: Scholarship applications due to GCWM