2010 Women's Devotional Book

Sanctuary: a place to run when life gets to be too much. The Bible book of Hebrews tells us that there is a sanctuary in heaven. And when God told the Israelites to build an earthly sanctuary so that He could dwell among them, it was patterned on the heavenly sanctuary. In it the plan of salvation was played out every day.

In the pages of this book, women have bared their souls. They have revealed how they try every day to follow the pattern that God has given for their lives. They share how God has shown His presence in their homes, their families, and their lives. Things have not always gone perfectly for these women, but each has found sanctuary in the arms and love of her mighty God, the God who is also her Savior.
-Ardis Stenbakken, Editor

Slip away from the chaos and commotion that threatens every waking moment.

Seek a quiet place, a place where you can abandon your burdens and sense God's presence.

Stay awhile and allow your soul to be renewed by the tranquil beauty of His love and mercy.

Order your copy today at the Adventist Book Center
1-800-765-6955 or

Lebanese Women Have a Heart for Christ

Trans-European Division

Seventh-day Adventist members in the East Mediterranean Region fellowshipped together in a Women's and Family Ministries weekend with the theme "A Heart for Christ." The weekend retreat included seminars, souvenirs, activities such as prayer walking, and a time for sharing testimonies. They met at the Evangelical Centre in Dhour Choueir, Lebanon.

The retreat provided an atmosphere for women to develop their gifts and abilities, and to form lasting friendships.

Source: MEU News

Zimbabwe Women Present Hospital Equipment

Southern Africa Indian-Ocean Division

The Women's Ministries Department of Zimbabwe Union Conference presented beds to a private hospital in the Bulawayo community in June 2009. These beds were donated to them by Botswana Union Mission Women's Ministries, directed by Susan Williams. The hospital is not operated by the Adventist Church.

On receiving the donation the hospital administrator wrote, "The Zimbabwe Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and especially the Women's Ministries, are carrying out tremendous work throughout the world; and on behalf of all women I salute you. Keep up the work."

Source: SID WM

Women's Ministries Evangelism in Malaysia

Southern Asia-Pacific Division

Evangelistic meetings were conducted by the Women's Ministries Department of the Peninsular Malaysia Mission at the Penang Seventh-day Adventist Church July 21-27, 2009. Guest speakers included Heather-Dawn Small, GCWM director, and Helen Gulfan, SSD WM director.
Over 280 participants, including 88 non-Seventh-day Adventists, attended. During an altar call, 12 people requested baptiism. "God answers prayers!" says Leong Fai, Peninsular Malaysia Mission WM director and coordinator for these meetings.

Source: SSD WM