BBC Project Update

Southern Asia-Pacific Division

One hundred and fifty Women's leaders from the West Visayn Conference in the Philippines attended the BBC (Bibles=Baptism=Conservation) project launch in November last year. This is a small group initiative to win souls from Bible studies. In 2009, 393 people were baptized as a result of this program.

The Union Women's Ministries director, Glenda Catane, and Pastor Esico, the President, gave the challenge to the women to be active, be involved, and be blessed in this ministry of touching a heart and bringing souls to the Master's feet. Out of 150 women, only 100 received a copy of the Bible because of a lack of funds.

Seminars were presented, including a demonstration on "Mushroom Culture" by Ferly Penaverde, a chemist, and "Beauty and Wellness" by Emma Roche, a nurse, who taught the women simple exercises to keep them physically fit.

The attendees report that the day was a blessing to every woman who attended and they went home filled and inspired to do their work again in their respective territories.

Source: SSD WM

A Ministry to Teen Mothers

Trans-European Division

The Netherlands Union has adopted a project in Holland for teen mothers. They sponsored two women's weekends where the women made baby blankets and gifts and collected money for teen mothers. They were able to raise 700 Euro and made 15 blankets. Each teen mother received a blanket, shampoo, baby powder, soap for the baby, and a knitted bunny which a lady of 89 made for each of them. The girls also received clothes for the themselves and a small gift voucher so that they could buy something for themselves.

Source: TEDWM

A Ministry Idea

Trans-European Division

Faith Crumbly, an editor at the Review and Herald Publishing Association, has a ministry in which she passes out gently used women's devotional books to underprivileged women in housing developments for Mother's Day and Christmas. She reports they are so pleased to get them. Many-if not most-have never owned a beautiful hardcover book. She says she could use up to 100 copies in December and May.

She also gives new editions to her daughter who is a coordinator at a women's shelter in Chicago. Many women there have been accustomed to having nice things but had to leave their home with only the clothing on their backs. So Crumbly is asking that if you have gently used devotional books that you are not planning to keep, she would like to receive them and she will use them or pass them on to her daughter.

These can be mailed to: Faith Crumbly, Review and Herald Publishing Assoc., 55 W. Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. You can contact her at [email protected] or 301-393-4094.


Women's International Day of Prayer

On the first Sabbath of March, women around the world come together to celebrate a special day of prayer. This year March 6 will be the next Women's Ministries International Day of Prayer. A free resource packet, "Crumbs from the Master's Table," written by Joy Gashaija, East-Central Africa Women's Ministries Director, is available for download. Please visit the GC Women's Ministries website at

A free resource packet, "Crumbs from the Master's Table," written by Joy Gashaija, East-Central Africa Women's Ministries Director, is available for download.  Click here.