Global Statistics about Millennium Development Goals


  • World Bank's latest estimates show that 1.4 billion people in developing countries were living in extreme poverty in 2005. 
  • Recent increases in the price of food have had a direct and adverse effect on the poor and are expected to push many more people-an estimated 100 million-into absolute poverty.


  • Globally, 570 million children are enrolled in school. The number of children of primary school age who were out of school fell from 103 million in 1999 to 73 million in 2006. In that year, primary school enrollment in developing countries reached 88 per cent on average, up from 83 per cent in 2000.
  • In Southern Asia, the enrollment ratio has climbed above 90 per cent, yet more than 18 million children of primary school age are not enrolled.


  • Every day, nearly 7,500 people are infected with HIV and 5,500 die from AIDS. Globally, an estimated 33 million people were living with HIV/AIDS in 2007. 
  • The number of people living with HIV rose from an estimated 29.5 million in 2001 to 33 million in 2007. The vast majority of those living with HIV are in sub-Saharan Africa, where about 60 per cent of adults living with HIV in 2007 were women.

Source: 6 FINAL.pdf



Prayer Corner

  • Raquel Arrais travel to India & Nepal
  • Heather-Dawn Small travel to India & Papua New Guinea
  • Women's Meetings at GC Session
  • Women with depression
  • Women suffering abuse
  • Mothers


May 15: International Day of Families
May 31: Scholarship Applications due to GCWM