Book Review:

Ellen White on Leadership: Guidance for those who influence others

Although Ellen White on Leadership: Guidance for Those who Influence Others (Pacific Press, 2008) was not written specifically for women, it certainly applies to women. Ellen White, both as a woman and as an early leader of our Church, understood the challenges of women in Christian leadership. So does Cindy Tutsch, the author of this useful volume.

Tutsch wrote this book as her doctoral dissertation at Andrews University; she did a review of the current literature on leadership and researched to see what Ellen White had to say on the same topics. Her discoveries are encouraging. As she says in her conclusion, "Ellen White makes a significant contribution to the discovery and understanding of leadership principles. It does not appear that her leadership principles will ever become outdated, even in the face of accelerating world change, because they have universal application" (page 147).

Each chapter in the book looks at ideas from current leadership writers and then shares related leadership principles from Ellen White, including quotes from her writings to illustrate those principles. Then each chapter has a "practicing what she preached" section. I think you would find these sections instructive and encouraging.

One of the chapters and quotes that I found interesting is "How Do I Actually Carry Out the Empowerment Thing?" It has sections on empowerment for people for evangelism and service, gender and age inclusive empowerment, and mentoring. Other chapters are "Ellen White's Ministry and Counsels on Leadership," "Are Ellen White and John Maxwell on the Same Page?" "Lord, I Want to Know You More," "Who's the Boss, Anyway?" (has some interesting material on the abuse of power), "Grappling with Today's Thorny Leadership Issues," and "Summing It Up: What You Can Do Where You Are."

Because this is an academic work, it is not light reading, but it is easily understood. As a leader in the Adventist Church, I think you would find it beneficial to be familiar with the concepts and principles presented.

By Ardis Stenbakken

Prayer Corner

  • New Women's Ministries directors
  • Planning time for Women's Ministries
  • Peace and healing for women


  • February 1: Statistical Reports due to GCWM Office
  • March 5: Women's International Day of Prayer
  • March 8: International Women's Day