Focus On the News

2011 General Conference WM Advisory

Committed to Serve

Sharing, learning, praying, becoming friends—the Women’s Ministries World Advisory, which met in early April, included all of these. Departmental Advisories are held at the beginning of every quinquennium at the General Conference Headquarters. Organized by Heather-Dawn Small and Raquel Arrais, the WM Advisory provided WM Division directors information and resources for effective leadership in their departments. New directors especially benefited from the information provided.

This year’s Advisory introduced the three-part emphasis “Nurture, Empower, and Outreach.” Activities also included Division reports, attendance at a Teen Conference, and presentations on outreach programs such as “Homes of Hope and Healing,” Evangelism Training, Enditnow campaign to end violence against women, and news of a planned Muslim Ministries Conference. 

Best of all, 13 WM Directors, from all parts of the globe, met together for prayer, sharing, information and friendship.

General Conference Scholarship Program Celebrates its 20th Anniversary.

The girls who received the letter from the GCWM.  Nyanchok and Nyariek, from Sudan, and Rahil and Gamila from Egypt.

At the recent WM Advisory in Silver Springs, the Women’s Scholarship committee celebrated the 20th anniversary of the General Conference Women’s Scholarship program. Begun in 1991 with one scholarship, how the program has grown, giving 99 scholarships this January! The recent awards totaled $54,800 to women in 39 countries, including Bosnia, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, and newest to the list, Burkina Faso.

Since the program began in 1991, it has provided nearly $767,700 to help 1,748 women attend college. January’s recipients include a Law student in Burundi who hopes to help

General Conference Women's Ministries Scholarship Committee

shape good laws in her country; a Science student who works full time, yet started a program to feed the homeless; a Health Science student who, though spending 6 years in college due to finances, still sends money to her parents; and an Education major from Sudan anxious to return to help her home village.

You can be part of this celebration supporting the General Conference Scholarship Program in this 20th Anniversary. Together we can change a life. Donations can be made by check to GC WM Scholarship fund, by credit card, or online at