South Pacific Division

Flourishing through the Power of Prayer

More than 100 women are "flourishing" through the power of prayer after attending a women’s retreat in western Australia.

Guest speaker Michelle Noerianto, accompanied by her mother, Daphne Misbrener, joined women from all over western Australia at Orchid Glory Farm Resort in Bindoon with hearts expecting to hear from God and to see the Holy Spirit move. 

"It was a great blessing to meet and pray with such a passionate group of women excited and hungry to learn more about how to pray for others. We saw miracles and many answered prayers," said Noerianto.

West Central Africa Division

WM Leadership Retreat in East Nigeria Union Mission

The Women's Ministries department of East Nigerian Union organized a leadership retreat for all WM directors and coordinators of the union early this year with the theme of "Renewal Through His Word."

This leadership retreat for Women's Ministries leaders had 170 participants who spent the entire weekend studying and praying for the revival and empowerment of women.

A  special outreach program was held by the participants on the final Sabbath. Women entered the city in small groups to share tracts and make friends with people in the community. More than 4,000 tracts were distributed, contacts were made, and addresses and phone numbers were taken.

Euro-Africa Division

Leadership Certification Program Is Equipping Women in Europe

Sixty-five women from Germany, Switzerland, and Luxembourg participated in a week-end seminar organized by two conferences of the South German Union. Denise Hochstrasser, Euro-Africa Division WM director, spoke on “Visions and Goal Setting” and “A Woman of Worth.” Ingrid Naumann, South German Union WM director, presented the topics, “Needs of Women in the Local Church” and “Small Group Ministry.”  

The new flyer for the WM Certification Program has been printed. Its design matches other publications from the WM Department in the German-speaking countries. Download it at

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division

Homes of Hope and Healing Launched in the Indian Ocean Islands

During the January advisory organized by Margery Harinirina and attended by field and conference Women's Ministries directors from Seychelles, La Reunion, Mahajanga, Atsiranana, South Madagascar and the Central Madagascar, it was resolved to adopt the Homes of Hope and Healing initiative in the Indian Ocean Union. Participants received posters, a booklet of lessons, and a DVD showing women how to minister to their friends. The union not only has involved women but families, too. Currently, 6,000 homes have been identified.

--Caroline Chola | Director, Women's Ministries, SID



God desires [wo]man to exercise his [her] reasoning powers; and the study of the Bible
will strengthen and elevate the mind as no other study can. . . . A sense of the power and
wisdom of God, and of our inability to comprehend His greatness, should inspire us
with humility, and we should open His Word, as we would enter His presence,
with holy awe.  A Call to Stand Apart 47.1