GC Women's Ministries Newsletter Calendar & Prayer Request
JUNE 2008
Women's Challenge Issues—Globally
Issues that Women Face Globally
The United Nations Millennium Declaration set 2015 as a target date for achieving most of the goals. This report, presented at the United Nation in March of this year, shows the global assessment of progress to date prepared for a number of international organizations and the United Nations.
The following are some measures of progress that has been achieved:
Poverty: The proportion of people living in extreme poverty fell from nearly a third to less than one fifth between 1990 and 2004.
Education: Progress has been made in getting more children into school in the developing world. Enrollment in primary education grew from 80% in 1991 to 88% in 2005 Gender Equality and Empower Women: Women’s political participation has been growing, albeit slowly. Even in countries where previously only men were allowed to stand for political election, women now have a seat in parliament.
Maternal Health: Child mortality has declined globally, and it is becoming clear that the right life-saving interventions are proving effective in reducing the number of deaths due to the main child killers—such as measles.
Other Diseases: Key interventions to control malaria have been expanded. The tuberculosis epidemic, finally, appears on the verge of decline, although progress is not fast enough to have low prevalence and death rates by 2015.
By pointing to what has been achieved, these results also highlight how much remains to be done and how much more could be accomplished if all concerned live up fully to the commitments they have already made.
It is worth noting how many of these goals are similar to the Women’s Ministries challenges; the difference is that for Women’s Ministries these are ministry opportunities, a way to Touch a Heart, Tell the World.
Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report, 2007
Prayer Corner
- Women's Ministries Challenges
- Raquel Arrais travel to SID
- Heather-Dawn Small travel to IAD
- June 5—World Environment Day. 2008 slogan is "Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy."
- June 14—Women's Ministries Emphasis Day ”Show Me the Savior” Packet available for free download at http://wm.gc.adventist.org