Proclaiming the Good News in Euro-Africa Division

Spain's First WM International Congress

“And thousands of women will proclaim the good news” (PS 68: 1) was the theme of the Women’s Ministries Congress in Gandia, Valencia, Spain, May 1-4.

More than 500 people (680 on Sabbath) were enriched by the meditations, the topics, the music, the workshops, the friendship, the meetings with the families coming from everywhere in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France. Guest speakers were Raquel Arrais, GCWM associate director, Christiane Vertallier, EUD WM director, and Angelita Gutierrez, Spanish Union WM director. Pastors Jesus Calvo and Julian Rumayor, president and secretary of the Spanish Union respectively, brought their support.

WM local church leaders receive training

A mime presented by a group of six young people introduced each main topic. Four workshops presented simultaneously on the topics of positive communication, how to make disciples, spiritual gifts, evangelism, and training volunteers. The words of the theme song, “Tell the World,” were especially written for the occasion by Adriana Pereira.

The program closed with Arrais and Vertallier encouraging the women with spiritual and enthusiastic messages to continue their mission.

—María Isabel Gómez, Spanish Union

“Just Touch to be Touched”

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division WM Congress

The Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division held its second Women’s Ministries Congress in Lusaka, Zambia, in April.

An attendee enjoying
the congress

The event attracted more than 3,000 delegates and was attended by women from all the Unions: Angola, Botswana, Indian Ocean, Malawi, Mozambique, Southern Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. The theme was “Just Touch to Be Touched.”

The Division recognizes that women are blessed with spiritual gifts and its aim was to help women discover their gifts and to use them to the glory of God. The congress did this through training and support.

The guest speaker, Carol Barron from North America Division, blessed the women with inspiration preaching.
Caroline Chola, SID Women’s Ministries Director, described the congress as an eye-opener for most women who were attending the congress for the first time, “We believe that after training the women in many aspects of their life, they will go out to lift up Jesus.”

Carol Barron, guest speaker

In closing, SID President Dr. Paul Ratsara, who attended the congress, challenged the women to live up to the expectations. He gave them a challenge to conduct 20,000 evangelistic campaigns.

Many women were indeed touched. They pledged to go back to their Unions fully charged to face new challenges and further God’s work.

—SID Women's Ministries







Focus On The News

Prayer in Action (EUD)

More than 70 women attended the Prayer Action Retreat in Geneva, Switzerland. They came from many congregations bringing their enthusiasm, warm spirit, and beautiful smiles.

The women received food for the soul and for the body—in abundance! This weekend was luxurious and the precious love of God was brought alive and put into practical action.

The special guest speaker was Raquel Arrais, GCWM associate director; the organizers were: Christiane Vertallier (EUD, WM director), Christiana Benoit, Denise Hochstrasser, and Béatrice Salvador. Many ladies worked behind the scenes to make this event very special and deserve thanks as well.

When the retreat drew to a close, the happy smiles on the faces of the women showed that they had enjoyed their time learning, praying, and communing with God and each other.

— EUD Women's Ministries

"Just for You" (SPD)

Women’s Ministries of the Blacktown Adventist Church in Sydney, Australia has partnered with Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) to create “Just for You” comfort bags. The bags are given to traumatized children from birth to 15 years old who may not have the support of their family at a difficult time in their lives. All items must be new to prevent any risk of cross-infection, and the value of a bag when given is about $60-$70.

So far this year 63 bags have been given away. Most of them have been distributed through the Children’s Hospital at Westmead where they are given to children who come into the Child Protection Unit.

Helpers knit blankets or donate toys or money to purchase items for the bags. The helpers include several people from the Windsor church, some ladies who work at the ADRA Op-Shop, and the members of the “60
Plus” group that meets at the Campbell Street ADRA centre.

—Erna Johnson, Greater Sydney Conference WM

Twelve Adventist women and three non-Adventist women help to pack bags, and ten non-Adventist women (including a friend’s Bible study group) are donating items or knitting blankets for the bags.


View from the Field: Inter-American Division

There are so many issues facing women today. How do you think Women’s Ministries is helping women who are affected by these problems?

In terms of poverty and lack of education, WM is motivating and inspiring the women to realize their full potential. The certification program is instrumental in helping our women see that there is hope for improving their positions in life.The scholarship program is also a great contributing factor to the women’s setting and reaching their goals. Much of the material presented to our women is geared towards helping our ladies cope with the issues facing them.

What is your biggest challenge as a Women’s Ministries director?

When I consider the interest and the hard work that my directors are doing, my challenges seem small. My biggest challenge is two fold: First, it is crucial to have all of the material in three languages (French, Spanish, English). The second challenge lies in keeping up with our huge territory. There are fifteen unions which have several local fields.

Pictured: Interviewee Gloria Trotman, IAD WM director


Keeper's Page: Inspiration for You


Abuse Is WRONG Because . . .

It destroys the body

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (I Corinthians 3: 16, 17).

“But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).

It lowers self-esteem

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it might benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29, NIV).

It warps the perception about God

“Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons [and daughters] of God” (I John 3:1).

It is not God’s plan for families

“ . . . The Lord desires His people to give in their homes a representation of the order and harmony that pervade the heavenly courts” (Counsels on Health, p.101).

It is not God’s plan for our lives

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).

It is not God’s plan for our churches

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God”(2 Corinthians 5:20, NIV).

Seventh-day Adventists affirm the dignity and worth of each human being and decry all forms of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and family violence (from GC Statement on Abuse and Family Violence, 1995).

What can we do?

By respecting women’s rights and empowering women, we can enrich families, communities, and nations. As we fight to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, we must preserve and nurture the human potential of every individual.

The health consequences of violence against women are also often severe and long-lasting. Violence against women and girls increases the spread of HIV. It also increases maternal and child mortality and disabilities.

For millions of women and girls around the world, their visit to a health facility is the only opportunity to get the services and support they need to begin to heal. We must continue our efforts to make public health services available to all women.

Eliminating violence against women also helps us achieve universal primary education. Education enhances knowledge, opportunity, and the enjoyment of life. It must be a priority focus. When women are educated, their health improves, the survival of their children improves, and then society is energized.


Ministry Ideas

  • Provide abuse education seminars
  • Promote and form support groups
  • Support women’s shelters
  • Offer seminars dealing with emotional healing
  • The 4th Sabbath of August each year is Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day” on the church calendar. Encourage leadership of the church to make this Sabbath a priority.

“As a leader use your influence to impact people’s attitudes. Take every opportunity to educate others. ”

Violence Against Women Cannot Wait

United Nations Secretary-General Campaign to End Violence Against Women

“Violence against women is an issue that cannot wait. A brief look at the statistics makes it clear. At least one out of every three women is likely to be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Through the practice of prenatal sex selection, countless others are denied the right even to exist. No country, no culture, no woman young or old is immune to this scourge. Far too often, the crimes go unpunished, the perpetrators walk free.

It is a campaign for the women and girls who have the right to live free of violence, today and in the future. It is a campaign to stop the untold cost that violence against women inflicts on all humankind.” —Remarks by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to the Commission on the Status of Women. New York, 25 February 2008.

Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day

August 23, 2008

This year's theme:


WM Resource Packet (APED sermon and PP)

Written by: Ardis and Dick Stenbakken


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GC Women's Ministries Newsletter Calendar & Prayer Request

JULY 2008

Women's Challenge Issues—Abuse

2007 Women's Ministries Statistical Report

Baptisms:  141,076

Retreats/Congresses:  31,977

Reclaimed Members:  32,170

SDA Women Attending:  1,259,272

Evangelistic Meetings:  56,452

Non-SDA Women Attending:  130,014

Training Seminars:  60,966

Scholarships Awarded:  136

Other Meetings:  1,287,347


Breaking the Silence—Women's Ministries has developed seven brochures on Abuse, why it is wrong, and how you can help. Each brochure gives biblical basis for why abuse is wrong.

  • Do you know someone who is abused?
  • You can stop the violence and help them heal.
  • Are you being abused by your boyfriend or husband?
  • Are you being abused by your girlfriend or wife?
  • Has your child been abused?
  • Are you abusing someone?
  • Struggling to forgive one who abused you?

All brochures available in English and Spanish. Contact AdventSource at (800) 328-0525 or

Prayer Corner

  • Women in Abusive situations or who may be themselves abusing others: children, spouses, parents.
  • Pray that the Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day will be a success.
  • Women world wide who are conducting evangelistic campaigns.


  • August 23—Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day: Abuse of Power
  • August 9—International Day of the World’s Indigenous People


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