Homes of Hope and Healing Ministry opens your home to neighbors for fellowship and learning. Begin by inviting a small group of women to your home or other comfortable non-church location.
Ideas: Offer a meal or light refreshments. Share personal testimony of what Jesus has done in your life. Invite them to participate in an eight-weeks Homes of Hope and Healing Journey. Take a short break at the end of each study before beginning a new program. Keep level of commitment low and brief as you slowly develop relationships full of hope and healing.
COMING SOON: Women’s Ministries is launching 10 Ministry Postcards to mobilize and equip women for ministry. Postcards will be highlighted in future issues of Mosaic.
Postcard Topics:
- Intercessory Prayer
- Plant a Seed
- Friendship Evangelism
- Small Group Ministry
- Homes of Hope and Healing
- Visitation
- Prison Ministry
- Discipleship
- Bible = Baptism
- Community Outreach
2012 WM Global
Praising what God has done in 2012 by sharing the amazing work women are doing globally:
Baptisms 129,320
Reclaimed members 63180
Series of evangelistic meetings 59,605
Training seminars 46,979
Other meetings 131,258
Retreats/Congresses 25,334
SDA women attending 696,462
Non-SDA women attending 100,933
Scholarships awarded 178
Prayer Corner
- Mission to the Cities – New York 13
- Homes of hope and Healing Ministry
- Revival and Reformation
- Nurture ? Empower ? Outreach
- enditnow
May 15 – International Day of Families
May 31 – Deadline for Scholarship Application to GCWM
June 8 – Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day