Women’s Ministries Congress | Touch a Heart Tell the World

Chosen to Make a Difference

East-Central Africa Division (ECD)

The first lady of the Republic of Rwanda, HE Jeanette Kagame, opened the East-Central Africa Division Women’s Ministries congress in the National University of Rwanda in August. She urged the 2,000 women from 11 countries to work and walk their theme, “Chosen to Make a Difference,” and stressed that the congress should be a golden opportunity to assess what they are doing because setting a goal is one thing and reaching it is another. She concluded by reminding women of their important role in society, making reference to a Rwandan saying, “A woman is the heart beat of the family.”

Raquel Arrais, GC WM associate director, reminded the women all have been chosen to make a difference in our calling and urged them to respond in commitment.

Before the conclusion of the congress, participants visited Murambi Genocide Memorial Site. The ladies laid flowers on the tomb where about 50,000 are buried. At the end of the tour, the delegates donated US $2,000 to support the improvement of the site.

There was also time for participants to show their handwork activities, various products, and business oriented commodities.

By Debbie Maloba, ECD WM director and congress organizer



Community Outreach Takes Center Stage

Inter-America Division (IAD)

“We are called to serve, and when the Lord calls you to serve, don’t let anyone convince you that because you’re a woman, things are to be different,” Israel Leito, IAD president, told the 600 Adventist women leaders gathered in Miami in August. “Women bring strength to the mission. Don’t let your sensitiveness, your thoughtfulness, your compassionate spirit, your caring attitude, and your strong emotions be seen as a weakness.”

During the event, 44 outstanding women were recognized for their leadership in evangelism. Cecilia Iglesias, IAD WM director, appealed to leaders to continue their vision of letting the world know of Jesus’ love. 

Women in IAD take seriously the challenge of connecting with others outside of their churches and a result of their work is seen in more than 22,000 newly baptized members in March this year.

Heather-Dawn Small, GC WM director, urged women to get out of their comfort  zones and reach people in the communities. She reminded the women to raise awareness and advocate for the end of violence towards women and children through the enditnow  initiative.

By Cecilia Iglesias, IAD WM director and congress organizer


Top pic: Evangelist Mildred Robinson of St Thomas is honored by Cecilia Iglesias forleading 3,000 new members to Jesus

Bottom pic:  Consecration of Women’s Ministries leaders