Women in Action


Children in Bulgaria Learn to Recognize Aggressive Emotions

Inter-European Division (EUD)

[Sofia] A project to improve emotional intelligence and to introduce the concept of communication without aggression was implemented for children in several Bulgarian cities in 2013. Fifty parents participated with 135 children, which included 35 orphans and 20 children of gypsy origin.

Participants learned to recognize their positive and negative emotions, to communicate with a sportsmanlike greeting, and that the biggest losers are angry ones. Children departed with emoticon badges to help identify emotions and the thermometer they made to measure anger. The strength of their emotional experiences can be monitored with the stages indicated on the thermometer. 

A program aimed at teens begins in 2014. Seminars for adults will conclude the goal of training people of all ages.

Contributed by Rada Sakaleva, enditnow general coordinator, Bulgaria



February 6 is International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation

February 6 is International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, and Seventh-day Adventists are among the many faith groups, NGOs and organizations working to end the practice.

FGM/C, often referred to as Female Circumcision, is practiced in nearly 30 countries in Africa and Asia. Young girls are subjected to procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to their genital organs for non-medical reasons, often as part of a coming-of-age cultural tradition or ceremony. The cut, which is generally done without anesthesia, may have lifelong health consequences.

By Ansel Oliver/ANN



Break the Silence About Abuse

May 1-4, 2014


This event will train members and leaders how to respond to abuse victims in our churches and in our communities. If you are a church administrator, school administrator, pastor, teacher, or layperson, you are invited to attend enditnow Summit on Abuse, May 1-4, 2014.

Featured guests include Southern Adventist University’s First Responders training team, and the North American Division Family Ministries team, Claudio and Pamela Consuegra.

The enditnow Summit on Abuse is co-sponsored by the Women’s Ministries departments of the General Conference and of North American Division. The summit will be held in Silver Spring, Maryland at the church world headquarters.

To register, go to www.enditnow.org and follow the registration link to AdventSource, or call 1-800-328-0525.