International Women’s Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women’s Day, is celebrated annually on March 8. The focus of celebration in all countries ranges from general showing of respect, love, and appreciation toward women to large-scale celebration of women’s achievements in economic, political, and social aspects. The United States even designates the whole month of March as Women’s History Month. In some countries like China and Russian, Vietnam and Bulgaria, IWD is a national holiday. No matter how IWD is marked, the day celebrates the difference women make in the world.

So make a difference, think globally and act locally! Make every day an International Women’s Day. Do your part to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe, and rewarding.

Making A Difference

We discovered in Women’s Ministries six primary challenge issues that face women, obstacles to becoming all the Creator God made them to be. These issues affect women in and out of the Church, sometimes with equal intensity; and impact women in all countries of the world, although in varying degrees. The six issues that globally impact women are: Abuse, Poverty, Threats to Health, Illiteracy, Women’s Workload, and lack of Training and Education.

Challenges can be opportunities for outreach and witness, as they help define many needs women face. What can you do in your church and community to minister to these needs? Be creative.


Plant A Seed Ministry

Plant a Seed Ministry shares seeds of love in the lives of people you meet and serve. Begin by discovering your own talents and in finding how to share them with the congregation and community around you.

Ideas: Love books? Read to children or the elderly. Love cooking? Share meals with the sick, bereaved, or homeless. Children love you? Volunteer at neighborhood school; tutor disadvantaged students; show up at Sabbath school. Homebound yourself? Send cards and letters to young people away at school or military service; call other shut-ins.



March 1          National Day of Prayer in the United States

March 6          Human Rights Day

March 8          WM International Day of Prayer

March 21        International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

March 22        World Day for Water



     Abuse Summit, May 1-4, 2014

    Mission to the Cities

    Revival and Reformation []

    Revived by His Word/777

    Young women in the church