Southern Asia Division (SUD)

Training the Trainers

The Women’s Ministries (WM) Department of SUD is presently running 210 Adult Literacy Centers in West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. This project focuses on the wholistic empowerment of the women and their families

The women who attend these literacy centers joyfully remark, “You have opened our eyes to see the World. We read the name board on the buses, travel on our own, sign our names in the bank vouchers, transact business, read headlines on the newspaper and on the TV screen. We cannot be cheated any more.”

Healthy living is one of the major concentrations of this literacy project. One dream of the SUD WM department has been to create a Flip Chart on HIV/AIDS “Truth and Consequences” to bring about an awareness among the women who attend the Adult Literacy program and those in the community. ADRA India came to the aid of this project, providing a major share of the expenses along.

In October 2007, nearly 80 women, including WM directors, facilitators and supervisors, were trained to use the HIV/AIDS flip charts in Andhra and Tamil Nadu. It was a wonderful learning experience for all the attendees. These leaders will use the flip charts in their respective villages to provide awareness and education on this vital topic.

Source: Hepzibah Kore, SUD WM director

West-Central Africa Division (WAD)

Women's Ministries Congress

Eastern Nigeria Union Mission Women’s Ministries (WM) held a congress September 2-9, 2007. The theme was “Empowered by the Holy Spirit to Enjoy Everyday Life in Christ Jesus.” Each day there were special seminars. Pastors, professors, and lawyers presented topics such as: “The Confident Woman,” “Spiritual Development of Young Women,” “How to Overcome Widowhood,” and others. The women were blessed. They prayed, sang, and were happy.

Women in Eastern Nigeria Union Mission recently released two new books: Understanding the Art of Leadership written by Onyenma Adanma is a motivational book aimed to encourage people to become a leader for men and women by participating and building positive relationships. A devotional book was written by the WM director of the East Nigeria Union, Sal N. Okwubunka. This was a first for women in the West-Central African Division.

Source: WAD Women’s Ministries

International Day of Prayer

March 1, 2008—"In the Morning"—WM International Day of Prayer: Did you know there's an annual Women's Day of Prayer? This resource helps you plan an entire day focused on prayer and outreach.

The Women's Day of Prayer material is designed to provide spiritual programs. The program will allow the Christian woman to draw closer to Jesus and to seek His Spirit.

The International Day of Prayer packet is available free on the Women's Ministries web site: click here.