Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Ready to Tell
Leading Angola to Jesus was the theme of the Women’s Ministries congress in Huambo, Angola, June 11-14. The first day, the national congress attracted 5,000 women from a large area, including the Islands of Sao Tome and Principe. On Sabbath, 13,000 women, 3,000 men, and 2,000 children were in attendance. Women who attended through the week were 10,000.
The devotional speaker was Caroline Chola, SID WM director. After the sermons, many women gave or rededicated their lives to Christ. Five were baptized on Sabbath afternoon.
At the close of the congress, Chola gave a charge and the women pledged to forge ahead and take part in the SID Mega Evangelism program.
In Mozambique more than 400 local Women’s Ministries church leaders attended the first Leadership Certification Program in Beira. Under the leadership of Caroline Libombo, Mozambique Union Mission WM director, the women enjoyed their learning time together. The program finished with a graduation challenging all the women to “Touch a Heart and Tell the World.” Carolina Chola, SID WM director, and Raquel Arrais, GCWM Associate director, were the main speakers during the training.
Trans-European Division
On Wings of Prayers
Baghdad, Iraq—Women’s Ministries (WM) Emphasis Day was celebrated in Baghdad 14 June when 13 church members fellowshipped together, enjoying the WM program, “Show Me the Savior—Then I Shall See.”
In spite of the Adventist church in Baghdad being closed for the last two years due to being severely damaged by bombs, church members are still gathering for worship in homes every Sabbath.
“When we think back on how our church was filled to capacity before the war in 2003, it saddens our hearts that we would end up being just a small group meeting in private homes. We are praying for strength and courage until the day when the situation will improve and our many church members can return to their beloved church, to their houses and their jobs,” said Basima Nahab, Women’s Ministries Director in Iraq.
The President of the Middle East Union, Kjell Aune, says: “Many of our members in Iraq have for safety reasons fled to western or neighboring countries. I have personally met them in different parts of the world and know their dedication, their love for Iraq and the church, and their longing [to return] back to their country. We pray for the day when people can return home, where we can meet in our churches without security risks. I am inspired by the fact that our sisters in Baghdad could celebrate and focus on the Savior in the midst of so many distractions. It reminds us all of the importance of lifting our heads and look beyond our problems. As I have done before, I will again urge the world family of believers to carry their Iraqi sisters and brothers onwards on wings of prayers.”
— B. Nahab; Anne-May Wollan; TED News Staff; TED News
South Pacific Division
Welcome Erna Johnson (SPD)
We would like to welcome Erna Johnson, who has been voted by South Pacific Division to be SPD WM director. Prior to this, Erna was WM director for Sydney Conference in Australia.
Erna’s passion is to see women reach their potential. She has seen the impact Women’s Ministries has on women as it empowers them to go forward and use their God-given gifts and talents for Him. She is totally committed to their ministry.
Erna, my sister, we welcome you to the joys and challenges of working at the division. As you settle into your new office, you will be in our prayers. We look forward to meeting you someday soon.
— Heather-Dawn Small, GCWM director