Women in the northern region of Sarawak, Malaysia, observe International Women's Day of Prayer for the first time in 2019


International Women's Day of Prayer in Malaysia and Singapore

Women in Bintulu Town, Sarawak, lead their church's first observance of the International Women's Day of Prayer.

Southern Asia-Pacific Division

[Sarawak, Malaysia] Women in the northern region of Sarawak, Malaysia, observed 2019 International Women’s Day of Prayer, March 2, for the first time. Church service in Bintulu Town was attended by 65 ladies and 35 gentlemen and children.

A workshop just for women was held in the afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Mambu, women’s ministries director for Sarawak Mission, led the meeting which included prayer session, sharing time, and a message delivered by one of the leaders. Everyone was blessed to be part of the women’s ministries team working in the Lord's Army.

[Singapore] The Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church of Singapore commemorated 2019 International Women's Day of Prayer, March 2. Women joyfully shared their talents by handling all responsibilities and duties of the morning services, beginning with cooking and hosting the prayer breakfast of healthy dishes to song service opening Sabbath school to the benediction closing the divine service.

Mrs. Hersheys Anne Camato-Rosales, leader of women’s ministries at the Filipino Church in the Singapore Conference, welcomed all to the church service and introduced the morning speaker, Mrs. Debbie Saul-Chan, director of family, children’s, and women’s ministries for Southeast Asia Union Mission which is also located in Singapore. The theme for the day and the title of the sermon was “Walking with Jesus.”

Contributed by Debbie Saul-Chan, director of women’s, children’s, and family ministries for the Southeast Asia Union Mission

Published in Mosaic newsletter 2019, Q2, Spring issue