
Women experience the presence of Christ at Women's Ministries congress

"Whom shall I send?" asks God of women who are in mission for Christ.

Inter-European Division (EUD)

[Switzerland] The recently organized Women’s Ministries team in Ticino, Switzerland, tackled a huge project: They wanted a Women’s Ministries Congress for their language group in their area. Being part of the French and Italian speaking conference, the congress was planned with Italian as the main language and translation into French and even German. This team can be compared with the young shepherd-boy who tackled a giant, but they never lost their courage and enthusiasm.

Women came from all around Switzerland and Italy, March 17-19, 2017. About 200 attendees crowded the venue on Sabbath to hear what God has to say to women in mission for Christ. The guest speaker Raquel Arrais, associate director of Women’s Ministries at the General Conference, challenged the participants to respond positively to the Lord’s question “Whom shall I send?”

Bernadette Fogliani, one of the initiators of the congress, said “As the end of the congress approached on the last morning I became increasingly aware of the presence of Christ. It was unbelievable what we were experiencing. Hearts were touched and we felt so much love, joy and unity. We were experiencing a miracle right then and there! The congress and the whole organization is a miracle. I am convinced that we will experience revival and that something big has been set in motion. God knows where he is leading us.”


Published in Mosaic newsletter, Winter 2018