
Women in West-Central Africa raise their metaphorical Ebenezer stones in thanksgiving

Thirty days following the division-wide Women's Ministries congress, women spend a day in fasting and prayer, praising God for what He did before, during, and following the event held in Ghana.

West-Central Africa Division (WAD)

[West Africa] Women’s Ministries leaders in the countries of West-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists led women of their territories in a post-congress day of fasting and prayer, September 4, 2019, to give thanks to God for what He did before, during, and following the division women’s ministries congress held in Kumasi, Ghana, July 29 to August 3, 2019.

The theme for the day was “Ebenezer” and taken from the story of the Ebenezer stone in 1 Samuel 7:12. Ellen G. White counsels us to consider this passage. “Let us look to the monumental pillars, reminders of what the Lord has done to comfort us and to save us from the hand of the destroyer. Let us keep fresh in our memory all the tender mercies that God has shown us—the tears He has wiped away, the pains He has soothed, the anxieties removed, the fears dispelled, the wants supplied, the blessings bestowed,—thus strengthening ourselves for all that is before us through the remainder of our pilgrimage” (White, Steps to Christ, p. 125).

In describing the purpose of the West-Central Africa Division Women's Ministries post-congress Thanksgiving Day of Fasting and Prayer, Omobonike Sessou, Women's Ministries director for wrote to the women of her region:

“When faced with great challenge—that of a life-threatening war from the Philistines—ancient Israel with the prophet Samuel gathered before God in Mizpah and cried out for help and salvation. The Lord operated a mighty miracle and the enemies were defeated and the people of God were delivered.

“When the women of the West-Central Division faced the life-threatening war from Satan before, during, and after the 2019 WM Division Congress in Kumasi, Ghana, we cried out to God through individual prayers, group intercessions, fasting and prayer programs. Satan knew well that our gathering in Kumasi was to the glory of God, and he set out to steal from us, to kill our plans. We cried out to God. But we saw the deliverance of our Lord of hosts who came to fight the battle for us.

Ebenezer Pillars of Gratitude

“Praise God our congress was successful. Therefore, let us raise our monumental pillars of thanksgiving by praising the Only True God as we fast and pray today for the miracles we witnessed at the congress.”

A few of the miracles witnessed at the congress:

1. Wisdom and the spirit of excellence in the preparation of the entire Congress.

2. Provision of cash and kind for our women who catered the running of the Congress.

3. Protection for our women against accidents, major illness, intruders and armed robbers.

4. A conducive climate that permitted the Congress activities to run smoothly.

5. The calm and happy demeanor of all the participants.

6. The spiritual tone of the entire congress and all prayer requests presented by faith.

7. Special grace and power endowed upon the leaders from the GC, division, unions, and conferences.

8. The choice of excellent facilitators and guest speakers who taught and inspired us.

9. The total involvement of different committees who labored for the success of the congress.

10. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the success of the pre-congress evangelism whereby 1,026 souls were baptized.

Order of Program

Prayer should be punctuated with songs of praise throughout the day. Or ask your members to stop and pray at the specific hours of 6am, 9am, 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm.

Suggested Bible Texts: Exodus 15:1-21, Judges 5, Psalms 18, 46,47, 48, 116.

Prayer Points

A. Praise God for His power, majesty and greatness.

B. Praise Him for accomplishing His will for the WAD WM Congress.

C. Praise Him for the success of what He accomplished at the congress and for many more blessings about which you know.

D. Praise Him for defeating Satan and his evil host.

E. Praise Him for making WAD WM a reference in the World Church.

F. Praise God for the assurance that all prayers presented are answered.

G. Praise Him for the blessings on all women in WAD are permanent.

H. Praise Him because He shall be the Guide and leader of the WAD WM.

I. Praise Him for making you to be part of this success.

J. Praise Him for all things.

Raising Monumental Pillars of Praise

Let every woman raise her monumental pillar(s) in any of the following ways:

1.Keep a journal of God's dealings related to this congress. Write down in particular what God did for in this congress; and record in general what you witnessed Him doing for all women. Keep the list in your Bible and revisit it in the future to remind you of God's goodness.

2. Individuals or groups of women may offer a gift or service to God in their local church and dedicate that gift or service to God as the congress thanksgiving gift. It will be something that when you see it or its accomplishment in the future, it will remind you of God's goodness in the 2019 WM Congress.

3. Compose a song or a poem dedicated to God for gratitude in the success of the congress. Teach your song and share your poem with other women and church members.

4. Help someone in a special way. This will be your monumental pillar, so that any time you see or hear about that person, you will remember God's goodness towards the congress.

5. Share the testimonies of what you experienced or saw in the congress—that show the power of God—with anyone who did not attend the congress.