Women's Health, Global Statistics
- Every minute of every day somewhere in the world, a woman dies giving birth.
- In sub-Saharan Africa, one in four women aged 20 to 29 is infected with HIV-AIDS.
- Of the 1.2 billion people living in poverty worldwide, 70 percent are women.
- Being pregnant continues to be a life-threatening condition in resource-poor nations. The rate of mortality in the developed world ranges from about 8 to 12 deaths per 100,000 live births, but in the developing world ranges from 100 to 1000 per 100,000 live births.
- The numbers alone are staggering: 58% of people infected with AIDS are women; one-quarter to one-half of all women have suffered abuse from an intimate partner, and two million women and girls are bought and sold into sexual slavery each year.
- One in four young girls in developing countries suffers from iodine deficiency.
More Information:
Global Health Council: http://www.globalhealth.org/
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: http://www.hhs.gov/
Global health portal (operational in several weeks):http://www.globalhealth.gov
Prayer Corner
- Women's International Day of Prayer
- Women's Health
- Heather-Dawn Small travel to TED
- Raquel Arrais travel to IAD
- February 1: Division Statistical Reports due to GCWM Office
- March 8: Women's International Day of Prayer