Heart and Hands photo credit: Unsplash.com | Kelly Sikkema

General Conference Women’s Ministries Directors

Galina Stele


General Conference Women's Ministries
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, Maryland USA 20904-6600
1 (301) 680-6608

Galina Stele, D.Min., was voted as GC Women's Ministries director during the business session of Spring Meeting, April 10, 2024, following the untimely death of Director Heather-Dawn Small in January 2024. Stele had been elected associate director during the business session of Annual Council, October 8, 2023. She previously served the GC Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research since 2012, first as a research and evaluation assistant, and since 2016 as a research and evaluation manager. Born in the Russia Federation (and growing up mostly in Kazakhstan), Stele served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in various positions including professor of theology at Zaoksky Theological Seminary in Russia, at Euro-Asia Division (headquarters in Moscow) as shepherdess coordinator and general editor of Shepherdess and Living Church, and director of the Euro-Asia Division’s Institute of Missiology.

Galina was the first woman to graduate with a doctorate of ministry from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA, in 1996 and is a widely published author. Her special interests are human-subject research, small groups, church member and youth retention, and family matters. She loves being involved with evangelistic events. She is in demand as speaker for evangelistic series, Weeks of Revival, women's and youth congresses, and Total Member Involvement (TMI) events.

Galina's seven years of experience at the division level as shepherdess [ministerial spouses] coordinator included many combined events with Women's Ministries. Her practical theology, in-depth Bible study, and love for small groups will fit in well with Women's Ministries goals, objectives, and resources. Her organizational and leadership skills are already a blessing for the world church.

In her free time, Galina enjoys reading and writing, gardening, cooking, assembling puzzles, and spending time with family. Dr. Galina Stele is married to Dr. Artur Stele, General Conference Vice President, and they have a married son and a grandson.

Premila Pedapudi

Administrative Assistant

General Conference Women's Ministries
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, Maryland USA 20904-6600
1 (301) 680-6636
[email protected]

Being associate pastor and ordained church elder has provided manifold blessings through her work in multiple ministries at various Seventh-day Adventist churches in Maryland, including mentoring and nurturing youth; ministries for adults, women, children, and deaconesses; outreach and evangelism, Pathfinders, and also Sabbath School. Her love of singing, reading, teaching, and preaching are a great resource in serving God.

Her husband, Joseph Kelly, son Praveen, twin daughters Serena and Selena, sons-in-law Samuel and Ebenesar are a great support in her ministry. The excitement about the arrival of her first grandson, born in July 2019, is still fresh!

Premila holds a master’s in business administration, a bachelor’s in business administration, and a bachelor’s in education. Passionate about women’s ministries, her desire is to encourage and empower women to live a God-inspired life. She firmly believes God’s Word in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans that I have for you…”

Rebecca Turner

Editorial Assistant

General Conference Women's Ministries
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA 20904-6600
Tel: 1 (301) 680-6608
[email protected]

Rebecca Turner became WM editorial assistant in August 2016. She had already served as WM administrative assistant for four and a half years. Prior to this, she worked for vice presidents at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for more than twenty-one years.

Educated in English, journalism, and elementary education, Rebecca created the first women’s ministries newsletter in 1991, simply because her desk in the presidential office suite was situated close to Rose Otis, then director of the newly organized office of women's ministries—and because Rebecca was willing to help. She finds it incredible that one of her responsibilities today is the WM Mosaic newsletter.

Rebecca loves learning and then sharing what she’s learned, particularly when the subject is the Bible. Her favorite Bible text is Lamentations 3:22-23, "The Lord's mercies ... [and] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness" (KJV).

Division Women’s Ministries Directors

Debbie Maloba

East-Central Africa Division
Women's Ministries director

Private Bag
Mbagathi 00503
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254 (2) 514-4400
Email: Debbie Maloba
Website: ecdadventist.org WM page

Akseniya Liberanskaya

Euro-Asia Division
Women's Ministries director

Krasnayarskaya Street 3
107589 Moscow
Tel: 7 (495) 786-8150
Fax: 7 (495) 786-8155
Email: Akseniya Liberanskaya
Website: esd.adventist.org 

Edith Ruiz-Espinoza

Inter-American Division
Women's Ministries director

P. O. Box 830518
Miami, FL 33283-0518
Tel: 1 (305) 403-4700
Fax: 1 (305) 403-4600
Email: Edith Ruiz-Espinoza
Website: www.interamerica.org WM page

Dagmar Dorn

Inter-European Division
Women's Ministries director

Schosshaldenstrasse 17
CH - 3006 Berne
Tel: 41 (31) 359-15-15
Fax: 41 (31) 359-15-66
Email: Dagmar Dorn
Website: women.eud.adventist.org

DeeAnn Bragaw

North American Division
Women's Ministries director

9705 Patuxent Woods Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1565
Tel: 1 (443) 391-7200
Email: DeeAnn Bragaw
Website: www.nadwm.org

Raquel Arrais

Northern Asia-Pacific Division
Women's Ministries director

P. O. Box 43
Goyang Ilsan 10401
Tel: 82 (31) 910-1500
Fax: 82 (31) 919-4412
Email: Raquel Arrais
Website: www.nsdadventist.org  WM page

Jeanete Lima de Souza Pinto

South American Division
Women's Ministries director

Caixa Postal 2600
70275-970 Brasilia, DF
Tel: 55 (61) 3701-1818
Fax: 55 (61) 3345-7778
Email: Jeanete Lima
Website: www.adventistas.org WM page

Eva Ing

South Pacific Division
Women's Ministries supervisor

Locked Bag 2014
Wahroonga, N.S.W. 2076
Tel: 61 (2) 9847-3333
Fax: 61 (2) 9489-0943
Email: SPD Women's Ministries
Website: women.adventistchurch.com

Photo credit: Unsplash.com/marc-andre-julien

Margery Herinirina

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Women's Ministries director

P.O. Box 4583
Rietvalleirand 0174
Tel: 27 (12) 345-7000
Email: Margery Herinirina
Website: www.sidadventist.org WM page

Krupa Victor

Southern Asia Division
Women's Ministries director

Post Box 2, HCF
Hosur 635110,
Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu
Tel: 91 (4344) 263-800
Email: Krupa Victor
Website: www.sudadventist.org WM page

Virginia Baloyo

Southern Asia-Pacific Division
Women's Ministries director

P.O. Box 040
4118 Silang, Cavite
Tel: 63 (46) 414-4000
Fax: 63 (46) 414-4001
Email: Virginia Baloyo
Website: www.ssd.org WM page

Karen Holford

Trans-European Division
Women's Ministries director

119 St. Peter's Street
St. Albans, Herts AL1 3EY
Tel: 44 (1727) 860-331
Fax: 44 (1727) 866-312
Email: Karen Holford
Website: ted.adventist.org WM page

Omobonike Adeola Sessou

West-Central Africa Division
Women's Ministries director

22 Boite Postale 1764
Abidjan 22, Cote d'Ivoire
Tel: 225 (22) 44-0-97
Fax: 225 (22)44-23-41
Email: Omobonike Sessou
Website: wad.adventist.org WM page

Hope Zhang

Chinese Union Mission
Women's Ministries director

12/F Citimark
28 Yuen Shun Circuit
Siu Lek Yuen Sha Tin
Tel: 852-2838-3991 / 2636-8733
Fax: 852-2834-6119 / 2441-8821
Website: wwww.chumadventist.org

Amal Fawzy

Middle East and North Africa Union Mission
Women's Ministries liaison

P.O. Box 90-2026
Jdeidet El-Metn
Tel: 961 (1) 690-290
Fax: 961 (1) 690-490
Email: Amal Fawzy

Irina Begas

Ukrainian Union Conference
Women's Ministries director

Ukrainian Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Luk'yanivska Street, 9/10-A
04052 Kyiv
380 (44) 467-50-49
Email: Irina Begas

Ross Ann Krishner

Israel Field
Women's Ministries director

Israel Field
Seventh-day Adventists
6 Lincoln
Jerusalem 9100
972 (2) 625-1547
Ross Ann Kirshner