GC Women's Ministries Leadership Training Certification, Level 1

Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques

Problem solving is a complex process and often is not easily broken down into clear stages. These seven steps will guide you in identifying the root problem and its cause.


  1. Recognize That a Problem Exists
  2. Define and Develop a Problem Statement
  3. Analyze Potential Causes by Gathering Data
  4. Identify Possible Solutions
  5. Determine the Best Solutions
  6. Develop an Action Plan (and Contingency Plans)
  7. Implement Solution and Evaluate Progress

Written by Dr. Linda Mei Lin Koh when director of General Conference Children's Ministries

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“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry” (James 1:19, NIV)