
Women observe International Day of Prayer

Focusing on prayer journaling starts young women on a journey of praying with written words.

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)

[Botswana] Young Adventist Women’s Ministries (YAWM) in Moshupa celebrated the Women’s International Day of Prayer, March 4, 2017, beginning with a special Sabbath School program about prayer. One of the young women preached an inspiring sermon on prayer. The afternoon seminar focused on the importance of prayer journaling. Each young woman received a prayer journal to start them on the journey of praying with a prayer journal. The weekend event concluded with a Sunday morning prayer breakfast.

General Conference Women’s Ministries prepares a sermon resource packet for their annual Women’s International Day of Prayer scheduled on the world church calendar the first Sabbath of March. (See archive of resource packets)

Contributed by Susan Williams, WM director, Botswana Union Conference

Published in Mosaic, 2017 Q2