Five women presented the topic, "Walking with Jesus," at Ticino, Italy Adventist church.


International Women's Day of Prayer in Ticino, Italy

During the service, one woman also receives her certification for completing all four levels of leadership certification training.

Inter-European Division (EUD)

[Italy] The women’s ministries group of Massagno conducted the church service in Ticino, Italy, March 2, 2019, the day designated as International Women’s Day of Prayer in the global Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Five women participated in presenting the day’s topic, “Walking with Jesus.” Bernadette Fogliani, women’s ministry leader of the church, also gave a short history of the special day, dating back to 1990 when the General Conference Office of Women’s Ministries instituted the International Women’s Day of Prayer. Prayers are suggested for many needs including for governments, persecuted Christians, suffering children, abused women, and church leaders.

On this special day Antonia Paz was awarded the Andrews University Continuing Education certificate after completion of all four levels of Women’s Ministries Leadership Certification. The certificate was presented by Ildiko Jennah, Women’s Ministries Department Director for French and Italian speaking parts of Switzerland, who stressed the importance of these leadership training seminars. Women who have participated in the courses are better able to serve in local churches and also in outreach.

For this special occasion the church had been decorated lovingly in the colors of the Ticino Women’s Ministries organization.

Contributed by Bernadette Fogliani

Reported in Mosaic newsletter, 2019, Q2, Summer issue