Crossing Over

Reaching Out in Moldova

The General Conference Women's Ministries is overjoyed to launch a second set of Bible The Euro-Asia Division (ESD): Prison Ministry is a challenge for our sisters in Moldova, but they are doing a special and loving service for prison inmates. In this small country there are ten penitentiaries, including women's prisons. Many inmates have received life sentences. Almost all of them are abandoned by their relatives and friends, even by their mothers.

The women visit faithfully every week. They bring not only hope, love, and words of encouragement, but also basic needs. Our sisters prepare food, collect warm clothes, buy stationery, prepare programs, and visit these isolated, often outcast and abandoned people. Those in prison express their gratitude to the women of the Moldova Prison Ministries by calling them "Mother."

The Prison Ministries leader is a lovely woman who sells electric lamps in the market to make her living. In her heart there is no room for keeping things for herself. Whatever she receives, she shares.

Another example of these women's commitment is Plemadyale Anastasiya Il'inichna. An 80-year-old woman, she knitted 300 pairs of socks for the prisoners. She is one of those making a difference in the lives of the people who are without hope.

There are many heartbreaking stories. One woman told a church member that her 10-year-old son was in prison. Desperate and trying to find answers and a way out, she met God, accepted Jesus as her Savior, and was baptized. Now she is not only helping her son, but she is also encouraging more women to reach out as she shares her own story.

Through the work of our sisters, especially the woman whose son is in prison, ten precious souls have been baptized.

Today the prison ministry in Moldova is alive and active. The women are providing physical and spiritual support to many whose lives are often a struggle for survival. These women are following Jesus' example and injunction: "I was in prison and you came to visit me."


The women visit faithfully every week.  They bring not only hope, love, and words of encouragement but also basic needs.


The Republic of Moldova comprises the Northern Moldova and Southern Moldova conferences.

Churches: 153
Membership: 11,438
Population: 3,9991