With God, We Can
With God, We Can
Rwanda Women in Evangelism
"There is a higher purpose for woman, a grander destiny. She should develop and cultivate her powers, for God can employ them in the great work of saving souls from eternal ruin." -Evangelism, 465
East Central Africa Division - On Sabbath, March 14, a two-week evangelism campaign was started by Mukamutara Uwimana at the Kirundo/Giturwa Church. Uwimana is the Women's Ministries leader in the Southern Rwandan Association, and the venue was selected because of easy access by people of multiple religious backgrounds. All sermons were focused on the theme "Jesus Christ, the Pillar of Humankind's Salvation."
One hundred fifty guests who were invited by leaders of the church came that Sabbath, and the congregation enjoyed the singing by the women of the Abageni choir. Visitors asked many questions about the Bible. All answers and sermons were based on John 14:6: Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life." Within two weeks, 97 people accepted Bible study classes. The women were involved in all activities, especially building new relationships.
Forty-seven people were baptized on March 28; among them were a military officer and one who had been a Muslim. After the baptism, there was a welcome worship concert for the new members; they had the opportunity to share their testimonies and thank God for His mercy and salvation.
"We thank the Almighty who enabled us, who was with us during these evangelistic meetings; we thank everyone who helped us to preach Christ, to live Christ, and to show Christ during this campaign. With God we can," says Consolata Rugelinyange, Rwanda Union Mission Women's Ministries Director.
During the meeting, every morning from 5:00 to 6:00 a spiritual revival was led by Rugelinyange. A group also prayed daily for this evangelism program, and an Adventist Youth group visited different families to invite them to the meetings. A gift of clothes was given to visitors who needed them.
Source: ECD WM
Focus on the News
Focus on the News
Southern Asia-Pacific Division
One Hundred Bibles for One Hundred Women
The Women's Ministries (WM) of the Laguna District in the Philippines conducted a program called "B=B" (Bible = Baptism). The kick-off was held in an elementary school gymnasium in February of this year. The one hundred women committed themselves to conduct Bible studies. Helen Gulfan, WM Director of Southern Asia Division; Esther Daquila, WM Director of North Philippine Union Mission; and Luz Villanueva, WM Director of the South-Central Luzon Conference, were in attendance and gave support to the program.
Now the women are occupied giving Bible studies-some through one- to-one, but mostly in small groups. They plan a combined baptism date at the end of July, 2009. Please include them in your prayers.
Source: SSD WM
ADRA Gives Voice to Women
Victims of gender-based violence told their stories through video presentations at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women last month.
The digital storytelling seminar, sponsored by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), highlighted mini documentaries as a way to inform communities about gender violence.
Many ADRA projects around the world provide women with opportunities to become self-sufficient, and sponsoring digital storytelling is another step in that direction, an ADRA spokesperson said.
"By supporting communication methods that allow [women] to speak candidly about their personal challenges and aspirations, we are giving them a voice that will ultimately contribute toward transforming their own communities for the better," noted Hearly Mayr, ADRA's director for public awareness.
Source: ANN/Nadia McGill
Photo: Hearly Mayr, Copyright: ADRA International
Women's Emphasis Day June 13
Worshipping From the Heart
God calls for each of us to "worship Him in spirit and truth" (John 4:24 KJV). So on Women's Ministries Emphasis Day, a special day for women around the world, we are calling each of you, our sisters and our brothers, to worship God with all your heart and soul; to give Him first place in your lives and to live so that others will worship Him also.
As you share this information with our sisters in the church pew, we ask that you also share with them some information about Women's Ministries around the world.
For more information and to download the free packet go to: 2009 WM Emphasis Day Packet
Euro-Africa Division
Unifying the Vision
On April 9, the Women's Ministries Departments in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland launched the newly translated Pastor's and Elder's Handbook for Women's Ministries for their territories. The book is a complete guide for local church leaders prepared by GCWM department and fully supported by the GC Ministerial Association. This initiative will encourage leaders in these countries to support women as part of the church's overall strategy to prepare people ready for Jesus' return.
Source: South German Union Conference WM
Shaping the Way: 7 Principles of Influence
Inspiration for You
Shaping the Way: 7 Principles of Influence
Influence is the art of winning people's cooperation when you do not have, or do not want to use, the authority to make them do what you want them to do. It involves shaping the way people feel and think.
- Make people feel understood. Spend less time trying to make people understand what you want, and more time making them feel understood.
- Find common ground. Show people how their needs, values, and dreams mesh with yours.
- Listen. Listening is the best way to make people feel understood and, at the same time, to find common ground.
- Don't argue. In business (and at home, too) the person you defeat in an argument today may be the person whose cooperation you need tomorrow.
- Care about the people you want to influence. If you are concerned about the people you're trying to win over, if you value their needs and dreams, they'll know it.
- Help people believe change is possible. People often know, although they won't often admit, that they need to change.
- Time your request well. There's a time and a season for everything, especially for asking for support.
Source: http://www.wittcom.com/communication_tips.htm
Getting There: "Power lasts ten years. Influence not more than a hundred." -Korean Proverb
Comfort along the WAY
We all experience times when we are in need of comfort. None of us is strong enough to bear up under life's trials and disappointments alone. In Ellen White's writings we find many quotations she wrote to comfort others. May these encouraging words help you in your time of need:
"When our hopes of life seem to be slipping away, Jesus is ready to put his everlasting arms beneath us, and to draw us to his heart and comfort, encourage, and bless us." Sign of the Times, March 1890
"Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service of God supreme, will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet." Ministry of Healing, 481
Women and Health
Women and Health
Heart disease is often perceived as an "older woman's disease," and it is the leading cause of death among women aged 65 years and older. However, heart disease is the third leading cause of death among women aged 25-44 years and the second leading cause of death among women aged 45-64 years. Remember that many causes of heart disease can be prevented!
Quick Facts
What Can I Do To Protect Myself?
- Control your blood pressure. Treating high blood pressure can lower your risk of heart attack and stroke.
- Be aware of chest pain. Be sure to contact your doctor immediately if you suffer from pain in your chest, shoulder, neck or jaw.
- Eat a low-fat diet. Keep fat calories to 30% or less of the total calories you eat during a day and avoid saturated fat (the fat in meats and coconut oil).
- Know your family history. Having a father or brother with heart disease before age 55, or a mother or sister with heart disease before age 65, are factors that contribute to heart disease.
- Control your cholesterol level. If you don't know your level, ask your doctor to check it.
- Maintain a healthy weight. Extra weight puts a strain on your heart and arteries. Exercise and a low-fat diet can help you lose weight.
- Take care of diabetes. If you have diabetes, regular exercise, weight control, a low-fat diet, and regular doctor visits are important.
- Exercise regularly. Remember, your heart is a muscle. It needs regular exercise to stay in shape.
For more information visit http://familydoctor.org
Prayer Corner
- Heather-Dawn's travel to NSD (China, Korea, Japan and Mongolia)
- Raquel's travel to SPD (Samoa, Australia, Tasmania)
- Women fighting for freedom
- Women in evangelism
- Women who have non-Christian spouses
- June 5: World Environment Day
- June 13: Women's Ministries Emphasis Day