Here I Am, Send Me


The word "evangelism" is one that brings much joy to those involved in Women's Ministries. We know our purpose as members of the church:  to go and tell the world that Jesus saves. As women of the church, we take the commission of Jesus (Matt. 28:19, 20) very seriously. We know God has called us to tell the world; but we also believe that as women we are ideally suited to touch the world for Jesus. We are overjoyed that we are able to touch lives with the love of Jesus and in that way we also tell them of Him. This issue of Mosaic is especially devoted to evangelism. Our sisters around the world are touching many lives and telling others of Jesus through many avenues of service. We pray that this issue will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to share the Jesus you know with others in need of Him.


“Here I am, Send Me”

Korean Women Hold Evangelism in Congo

 The Southeast Korean Conference Women's Association held a three-week evangelistic series in August at Butembo and Ngadi in the Beni region of Congo where Hyo Su Jung, a Korean missionary, is currently in ministry. A total of nearly 1,000 people came to these two meetings every evening, and almost 1,000 people attended the  Butacola church on the closing day. The meeting was a great success!

Preparation began two months in advance when four lay missionaries were sent to the area. Byong Ju Lee, the conference Women's Ministries director, and Pastor Jung served as speakers.

The Women's Association members joined in the last week of the evangelistic meetings and gained 58 precious souls, including one Pygmy.

Preparing for the meetings, women members got up at 4:00 every morning and visited house-to-house. The also helped with lectures and cared for the sick and prayed for them. Most of the people responded positively to their visits. Although some members contracted malaria, they worked faithfully.  Members also donated and solicited funds to build two churches and a home for a Korean pastor in Uganda.

Touch a Heart, Tell the World

Touch a Heart, Tell the World

SSD (Southern Asia-Pacific Division)


An evangelistic effort was conducted in the Philippines in August in a remote barangay (village) called Manamoc (a Bicol term for mosquito-infested). This area had no Seventh-day Adventists and was said to be a center for many enemies of the state. The challenge was there, but the mission of preaching the gospel called. The meetings resulted in 53 souls for God’s kingdom. 

IAD (Inter-American Division)


Recently two outstanding women known for soul winning in western Cuba—one older woman and one youth—were recognized for their dedication. 

In another area, Women’s Ministries is adopting the plan B=B, Bible study equals Baptism, with great results. Each woman pledges to win another woman for Christ.  Three hundred women instructors are working on this plan.  They expect many baptisms.  Other women are involved in small group evangelism and in Vision One Million.

WAD (West-Central Africa Division)


The varied efforts of Women’s Ministries are influential in more than 40% of the baptisms in WAD. The women of West-Central Africa Division know that the mission of the church is to preach the everlasting gospel to all the world, beginning in their homes, then their communities, and their nations. For this reason women, who represent more than 60% of the membership of WAD, constantly engage in various methods of evangelism according to their gifts. (Pictures)

SUD (Southern Asia Division)


The women of the Western India Union are spiritually blessed this year, and they are very fortunate as the devotional book entitled Woman, God’s Beautiful Idea, written by Dr.Rohini, has been translated into Marathi. “We were able to reach a number of women,” says Sumitra Jadhav,”  as this book has captured the eyes and hearts of many.”

SAD (South American Division)


Fernanda, invited by a work colleague, went to a special women’s meeting with some friends. Enjoying it, she began to attend a series of meetings to study church doctrines. As the date for the Women’s Ministries retreat drew nearer, the church women invited her to attend. During the trip, she became friends with the other church women, and during the meetings, her heart was moved by one of the seminars and the Friday evening Communion. When she went back to her room, she couldn’t sleep because she felt God was calling her to make a decision. She kept asking her friend questions until 4:00 in the morning when she was convinced to make her decision. She was one of the first women to arrive in the auditorium to announce her decision: “I won’t leave this place without being baptized first.” Fernanda was baptized in the hotel’s swimming pool, and her new friends promised to assist her with the rest of her studies.

NAD (North American Division)


In 2010 and 2011 Shirley Scott, conference Women’s Ministries director, led the women of the South Central Conference in sponsoring 14 evangelistic series as part of Operation S.W.E.E.P. (Spirit-filled Women Exalting Eternal Principles). In 2010 they held series in seven churches and baptized 80 persons. So far in 2011 they have had held two of their seven planned series and have baptized seven individuals. Additional series will be held by the end of this year.

Operation S.W.E.E.P. is more than evangelism. The women are also sowing seeds and making friends for the Kingdom. An essential part of the initiative has been the telephone conference call prayer line that was established where 50 women and men have prayed together for an hour each morning. The conference officers and pastors have been very supportive and have helped train the women at camp meeting and other times, making it a true conference-wide initiative.

ECD (East-Central Africa Division)


For more than 15 years the issue of allowing women to preach was a divisive issue in our area.  But recently, through the gentle, patient work of our sisters, opposition is beginning to melt.  They were patient with those slow to understand the woman's role in preaching the gospel of our loving Savior.  As a result, God has blessed.  Many who separated from the church because of the disagreement have rejoined. 

This September women conducted evangelism in Kinshasa, in a church where women had been forbidden to preach.  Attendance steadily rose from 150 on the first night to more than 500.  At the end of the series, 45 souls were baptized, including Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Many are seeing how God is working through His dedicated women servants.  Some of those formerly oppossed are today conducting seminars supporting women's right to preach the gospel.  God is blessing.

SID (Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division)


The women from Kaoma, Zambia, mobilized the women to hold many evangelistic meetings in the territory. All the evangelistic campaigns were organized by Women's Ministries and the speakers were women.  In the two pictures we see the baptismal candidates and the baptizing pastor ready to baptize 17 people. Since women's evangelistic meetings are primarily conducted in November, meetings are still going on.

ESD (Euro-Asia Division)


Women’s Ministries leaders are holding outreach seminars to which they invite non-Adventist women. These meetings are held in the cities of Mineralnye Vody and Stavropol. The women are very happy to get new knowledge for their ministries and also to share the good news about Jesus with their friends.

EUD (Euro-Africa Division)


When we moved to Penzberg 16 years ago, we did not know God was leading us to buy just the right house.  Soon we started Women's Breakfast Group in our church, offering a meal and discussion of God's leading in our lives.

Though I was shy, I invited my neighbour Barbara.  She surprised me by accepting, and as we studied together, our relationship grew.  Soon we started meeting one afternoon a week, often discussing her questions from the breakfast meetings.  Like a sponge Barbara soaked up the word of God.  Often she would come over at 9 a.m. with ther Bible, asking, "Do you have time? I have so many questions." Soon Barbara and her children came to church, and she joined our Women's Ministries team.  Now she leads out in evangelism and runs her own Bible study group. Source: Angelika Pfaller & Barbara Mahler.

SPD (South Pacific Division)


Domestic violence is a terrible plague in communities world-wide, and in some areas of the South Pacific nearly 50% of the population is affected. Over the past two years, Women’s Ministries has worked hard at educating members of the church, as well as the community, that abuse is not acceptable in any shape or form.  They realize that this is a long term work for everyone in the community, and are determined to help make women’s lives better. 

Women's Mental Health; Good Thinking

Women's Mental Health - Good Thinking

 Women’s Ministries helps people, in their churches and their communities, in many ways. Nutrition, health, and mental health seminars are outreach topics which can benefit many.

One beneficial mental health concept, and one of the most utilized forms of mental health intervention today, is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). CBT is based on the assumption that many psychological problems are improved by identifying and changing inaccurate and dysfunctional perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors.

People with depression tend to interpret facts negatively; people with anxiety tend to look at the future with apprehension; and those with low self-esteem maximize others’ success and minimize their own. CBT, therefore, trains people to identify and change their unhealthy thinking habits into better alternatives that promote desirable behavior and eliminate unwanted ones.

The Bible teaches us about the connection between thoughts and actions (Luke 6:45). Good thought patterns not only are healthy but also provide a way toward integrity: “Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness” (Prov. 14:22, NIV).

Remembering, repeating, thinking about, and meditating on the words in the Bible is one of the greatest spiritual blessings available to us, and it is a sure way to cultivate what Peter called “wholesome thinking” (2 Pet. 3:1, NIV). Many people have obtained invaluable blessings by committing to memory treasured Bible texts. When confronted with moments of worry, doubt, fear, frustration, or temptation, they have repeated such thoughts in their minds and have obtained relief and peace through the power of the Holy Spirit.

With so many alluring competitors (TV, computer, etc.), this generation of believers is being tempted to put the Bible aside. It is important to commit to reading and reflecting upon the Word every day. The Word of God can be our fortification against the mental onslaught of unspiritual distractions.

As Ellen G. White tells us, “Satan cannot read our thoughts, but he can see our actions, hear our words; and from his long knowledge of the human family, he can shape his temptations to take advantage of our weak points of character.”(The Review and Herald, May 19, 1891).

Source: The Bible and Human Emotions by Julian Melgosa



EMPOWER - Reach Across

The Outreach is for Everyone:   Women’s Ministries Evangelism Manual includes fifteen chapters. Each 60 minute chapter can be used as a training event for the women in the local church or for personal study. The material includes 15 PowerPoint Presentations.

This is a valuable resource to train and equip women for many types of evangelism. to download the material go to




  • November 19:   World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse
  • November 15:   International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women
  • December 1:   World AIDS Day
  • December 3:   International Day of Persons with Disabilities
  • February 1:   Statistical Report due to GCWM Office


Global Church Program



 Jesus is our helper; in Him and through Him we must conquer.... The grace of Christ is waiting your demand upon it. He will give you
grace and strength as you need it if you ask Him. Our High Calling, p. 29


God stands behind the one who does his best. Let every worker rely on His power, and He will impress the hearts of those for whom he labors.
Great good may be accomplished by the sincere, humble worker who realizes that success does not depend on appearances, but on
the One who has given him his commission.... This Day with God, 26.