More than 3,000 women from 23 countries of SID came to Harare, Zimbabwe, in April for the WM Congress, organized by Caroline Chola Division WM director, with the theme “In the Potter’s Hands.”

Zimbabwe’s Minister of Women Affairs, Dr. Olivia N Muchena, opened the congress, encouraging women to realize their potential to impact families, communities, and nations. She challenged all to imagine the power of just USD1.00 from every Adventist woman; that would provide a huge capital investment to establish many businesses and projects.









Dr. Paul Ratsara, President of SID, affirmed the value the SID leadership places on the women of the church. Challenging the women to be spiritual, good wives, and good mothers, he encouraged them to find the many ways God invites them to serve and lead.

In an interview, Heather-Dawn Small, General Conference WM Director, said, “Women are at work in the gospel for Christ.  They are committed and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. God is using them throughout the Church.” Raquel Arrais, General Conference WM Associate Director, added, “In our world church, women are the majority. The WM Department prepares women for many ministries.”

Speakers included Katy Bennett, a Life Coach, who spoke directly to young women, and Omobonike Sessou, Women’s Ministries Director of the West-Central Africa Division, who presented morning devotions.

Highlights of the congress included: distribution of 6,000 copies of the Great Hope in Harare; graduation of 160 women with Leadership Certification; and recognition of 14 pioneer WM directors for establishing WM departments under very difficult circumstances.  Among them was Priscilla Ben who pioneered WM in the then East-Central Africa Division.

During this WM Congress, women enjoyed renewal, revival, reformation, fellowship, and a focus on the contribution of women to the church.

Source:  Caroline Chola, SID WM Director