Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Celebrates Twenty-five Years of the Department of Women's Ministries
Virtual celebrations include programs aired by Adventist Media Center, Hope Channel, Facebook, and YouTube.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
[South Africa] As a division we agreed to celebrate twenty-fifth anniversary of Women's Ministries when Women's Emphasis Day is observed. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the celebrations were done virtually at division and union levels. However, some unions are yet to do theirs later in the year.
The virtual celebrations which were aired through our media house, local Hope Channel stations, Facebook, and YouTube. During these celebrations, Sabbath, June 13, 2020, we shared the history of Women's Ministries at each level. Through the testimonies of the leaders, we highlighted the achievements and contributions the department has made to the growth of the church.
Apart from this, the women celebrated through songs, testimonies, and skits commemorating twenty-five years of blessing. Some memories from women in local churches were documented in an E-booklet. Voice notes and video clips were sent via WhatsApp of women sharing what Adventist Women's Ministries meant to them. Two unions distributed food and masks to underprivileged families. Other local churches conducted high teas and prayer breakfasts via zoom on Sunday.
The baptism of seven people in the Indian Ocean Union Conference in one remote church which was the result of Women's Ministries was the highlight of all the celebrations. In the afternoon the ladies of that church went out in the neighborhood to distribute missionary books.
We praise the Lord for His enablings.
Additional SID 25th Anniversary comments and photos:
- North East Angola Union Conference
- Botswana
- Indian Ocean Union Conference
- Southern Africa Union Conference
- Southern Zambia Union Conference
- Zimbabwe
View these SID WM videos:
SID WM 25th Anniversary video address, by Pastor Hopeson Bonya, SID Vice President
SID WM video series, The Ideal Woman, presentations by various professionals
By Carolline Chola, Women's Ministries director for Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2020 Q4, fall issue