Ministering to Women columns from Mosaic newsletters—a resource of "clipped articles"
Ministering to Women
This evangelistic plan brings friends to tea, leads to Bible studies, and results in baptisms in Chile.
Leave Her Alone
What Jesus has to say to both abusers and victims of sexual harassment is discussed by Pastor Dwight Nelson as written on his blog ahead of national news.
Forgiveness and Your Health
We must choose to be transformational agents by responding to an offense with forgiveness, which motivates us to pursue peace.
"Life is to be fortified by many friendships: to love and to be loved, is the greatest happiness of existence." —Sydney Smith.
A Spiritual Woman
Each beautiful lesson from "The Best You Can Be" contains a quick assessment of a godly characteristic, personal growth exercise, and a success principle.
A Patient Woman
Each beautiful lesson from "The Best You Can Be" contains a quick assessment of a godly characteristic, personal growth exercise, and a success principle.
A Courageous Woman
Each beautiful lesson from "The Best You Can Be" contains a quick assessment of a godly characteristic, personal growth exercise, and a success principle.
An Assertive Woman
Each beautiful lesson from "The Best You Can Be" contains a quick assessment of a godly characteristic, personal growth exercise, and a success principle.
Chronic Pain
Women who suffer with chronic pain often feel isolated. They struggle and need support—physically and also spiritually.
Unless brought under control, these emotions [of hurt, anger, bitterness, resentment, and perhaps, worst of all, an unforgiving spirit] can wreck havoc in our lives. How can we learn the importance of forgiveness?
Am I My Sister's Keeper?
"Am I My Sister's Keeper?" brochure with tips for beginning a nurture and retention ministry. Women without friends in church are likely to become dropouts.
Seventeen Ways for Women to Pray
Pray for these seventeen character traits with accordance to each scripture verse. And live by these four biblical principles.
Religious Addiction
Toxic faith takes several forms: compulsive religious activity, spiritual laziness, extreme intolerance, giving to get, self-obsession, and/or addiction to a religious high.
Self-Care and Rest
Some things do not get finished or even accomplished with our full schedules. God did not intend us to be workaholics; and He invites us into His rest.
When Attitude Spoils Health
You may know the eight principles of health, but do you know what is just as important for promoting health?
Biblical Hospitality
It is not about entertaining, but rather a servant heart ministering to the needs of others.
Visioning and Goal Setting
"If a man does not know to which port he is sailing, no wind is favorable." —Seneca, circa 65 A.D.
Mentoring: A Way of Life
Surrounded by "high tech" society, we really need a "high touch" society in which people take time to care for and related to one another.
How Friendship Affects Our Self-Concept
What happens when friendship becomes an emotionally-dependent relationship?
Mentoring Young Women
He showed them by example, taught them directly, involved them in His work, and evaluated their performance.
God Listens! So Let’s Pray
What a privilege to take everything to the Lord in prayer. These twelve prayer methods guide our thoughts during our personal time with God.