Ministering to Widows

Abuse of widows and their children constitutes one of the most serious violations of human rights and obstacles to development today. Millions of the world’s widows endure extreme poverty, ostracism, violence, homelessness, ill health and discrimination in law and custom.

To give special recognition to the situation of widows of all ages and across regions and cultures, the United Nations General Assembly declared 23 June 2011 as the first-ever International Widows’ Day, to be celebrated annual.



Urban Mission: Mumbai Central Church reaches Widows

Southern Asia Division (SUD)

[India] Some 40 million widows live in India. Many live alone in the streets without a place to go. In March Women’s Ministries of Mumbai Central Church reached out to 55 widows of their community, encouraging them to receive help and care. Seminars and messages were presented to uplift them. The widows were blessed with a sari (given by the union) followed by fellowship lunch. Mumbai is the targeted Urban City for SUD’s Mission to the Big Cities evangelism.


2013 Women’s Ministries Global Statistical Report

48,462 Reclaimed members

50,420 Series of evangelistic meetings

51,984 Training Seminars

31,622 Retreats, congresses, conferences

1,270,125 SDA women attending

10,912 Non-SDA women attending

111,722 New members (baptisms)


 Prayer Corner

  • For the widows in the world
  • Women’s Emphasis Day
  • Abuse Summit at the General Conference
  • Evangelistic Campaigns Globally
  • Homes of Hope and Healing



May 1-4  enditnow Summit on Abuse 2014

May 15  International Day of Families

May 31  World No-Tobacco Day

June 14  Women’s Emphasis Day

June 15  World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 23  International Widows’ Day

June 26  International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Traffic