Participants at a women's ministries day of fellowship in Belgrade, Serbia, March 9, 2019.


"My Worth in God's Eyes" theme encourages attendees at women's ministries congress

Monologues giving voice to Biblical characters demonstrate dramatically that it is possible to live a blessed life even in difficult times.

Trans-European Division (TED)

[Belgrade, Serbia] A long-awaited day of fellowship dawns in Belgrade with women traveling from Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia to gather at the Belgrade Theological Seminary, beginning a time of fellowship. The event theme, “My Worth in God’s Eyes,” will shape and guide every activity throughout the weekend, March 8-10, 2019.

Through songs, Bible texts, and "Daughters of Promise" monologues, female students proclaim the value of women in God’s eyes as they give voices to Jemimiah, Achsah, Sheerah, Ahlai, and Tirzah. These biblical characters show us that it is possible to live a blessed life even in difficult times.

We are excited to welcome our guest speaker, Raquel Arrais, associate director of General Conference Women's Ministries, and we listen intently as she preaches an inspiring sermon, “Don’t Lose Your Song.” She says that neither disappointment nor pain, not even other people, should be allowed to take away our life’s song of praise and gratitude to God, because “better days are coming.”

We worship at the main Belgrade church on Sabbath with members. During Sabbath school women’s ministries conference directors of the South-East European Union share inspiring reports from their creative initiatives and activities reaching women in the local communities for Christ.

Teenage girls recite Bible verses describing our value in God’s eyes. Middle-aged women present more monologues of biblical women who are transformed by the power of the eternal gospel. The Canaanite woman, the woman caught in adultery, the woman with the issue of blood, and Lydia tell us how they are valued by Jesus and are given the opportunity as women of worth to receive His transformative power to change attitude and perspective during the “in between time” of life. Arrais points out in her motivating mission talk that these women are able to “Move the Chair,” and make their lives meaningful and purposeful.

During the divine service, music performed by vocalist, children’s, and youth choirs uplifts our hearts in an atmosphere of praise and gratitude, preparing us for the message of Arrais’ sermon, “The Access Factor.” She makes plain our assurance of salvation through our Savior Jesus Christ, as she illustrates His interceding role in the heavenly Sanctuary. Among her many unforgettable examples are the story of the new dress received as a gift and the story of the ruined dress.

The members of the Belgrade church (men, women, and children) provide a delicious potluck, truly a food feast, for the guests. All are invited to partake of the spiritual feast of the afternoon service. Those who stay are enriched by the message by Arrais. She speaks about being rooted in Christ and the power we receive through the enabling of the Holy Spirit which brings forth flourishing fruit in our lives. Arrais encourages us to recognize our purpose in God’s work. It is our responsibility to take our place in God’s mission using our gifts.

[Novi Sad, Serbia] We travel to Novi Sad for the Sunday meeting. It is time to nurture, empower, and motivate women to reach out to the women in their own communities.

Through songs, poems, and a monologue on the deaconess Phoebe, we are reminded to keep serving the Lord faithfully and diligently. In her two inspiring seminars, “Women Can,” and “One Thing,” Arrais reminds us of words penned by Ellen White, “Women…can take their place in the work at this crisis, and the Lord will work through them.” 1

Women can learn, serve, teach, proclaim, and lead if they are willing to trust God and allow Him to guide and use them. When focused on meditating on God’s Word day and night which sparks passion for Jesus and His soon return, women will find meaning for their lives and the calling which gives them purpose and destiny.

In her book, Christian Education, Ellen White indicates that we are changed in accordance with what we contemplate. 2 And what we are contemplating this weekend is changing our perspective and attitude for service. I remind participants before we dismiss that a victorious life is a series of new beginnings. In the power of the Holy Spirit, we can choose to turn the page of our hearts and begin living and serving with more commitment and gratefulness.

Contributed by Marija Trajkovska, director for South-East European Union Conference Women's Ministries, Trans-European Division

Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2019, Q2, Summer issue

1 Ellen G. White, Counsels for the Church (Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1991), p. 60.3.

2 Ellen G. White, Christian Education, (Battle Creek, MI: International Tract Society, 1894), p. 65.1.